Tuesday, September 25, 2012

America's Lost Generation

Today I spent the morning in the Commonwealth of Virginia court system. I was there to speak as a character witness for a young man that used to be in my youth group. He was up on three felony charges, that got plead down to a single felony. So now he will have a felony chasing him for the rest of his life. I've been asking myself why such an intelligent, clever young man with unlimited potential would make a choice to steal from someone for money rather than work or ask for help. I wonder, "where did I go wrong?" after all I was an influence in his life for five years. He knows right from wrong. He knows that God is there. Why?

Then I think of the other young man that was in court today. A 21 year old man, who a year ago, killed a family of four in a drunk driving incident. First thing that comes to mind is, "What the hell was an underage person doing drunk?" Then we can think, "Why was he out drinking and partying when he was on probation for marijuana possession and distribution?" And of course the ever popular, "What kind of parents does he have?" Maybe we think, "Lock him up and throw away the key." I personally think, "How sad that someone so young could throw away his life so recklessly?" Ah, but I know, yes, I know.

While listening to the character witnesses for this young man, now serving 20 years in jail, I figured it out...we have created a lost generation. Not a generation lost, like Japan. Not a fiscal loss but a spiritual and moral loss. The people who spoke for him told about how he helped out people without expecting anything in return; How he would help out when they were sick or unable to work; How he would watch his niece and help out his family financially. He was a wonderful athlete and smart. He even dropped out of school to work to help support his family. Wow, this is a great kid.

Now, bring in the prosecution. "Did you know that he drank?" ...answer, "yes." "Did you know that he was on probation because of a marijuana distribution and possession conviction?" ...answer, "yes." "Well, did you try and do anything about it?" ...answer, "Yes. Of course. We talked with him about it and told him that he shouldn't be drinking and how dangerous it can be ...but, you know, kids are gonna do what they're gonna do." AHA!!!! THAT'S IT!!!! There is the answer to why we have a lost moral generation. Our whole society tells young people what's wrong, but then turns around and lets them know that it's Okay, because everyone does it.

Now, I am not a bleeding heart liberal. I do not blame society for every problem in the world. Both of these young men decided to make a choice that destroyed their lives. It was their choice and they will deal with the consequences, but then again how many times have we laughed off some kind of bad behaviour with the caveat, "well we all did it." Wow. How sad. We tell kids not to drink, but then we let them watch movies and TV shows that glorify drinking and getting drunk and doing stupid things. We tell kids not to do drugs, but then we say, "well a little pot isn't so bad. It's not worse than alcohol." We tell kids not to have sex, but then we give them condoms and birth control and throw sexual images at them 24/7. We tell kids to be responsible, but then we excuse every irresponsible thing that they do. 

How can we expect our children to learn how to be moral when we praise immorality? Even churches send mixed signals. They say sex outside of marriage is wrong, but when an out of wed lock pregnancy happens we praise the girl, tell them their baby is a gift and proceed to bless their lives with "love" and gifts. Who tells them that their "blessings" is a consequence of sin? Who tells them that their "blessing" is going to make their life more difficult? Oh, that's right grandma and grandpa usually get to take on the responsibility while mommy and daddy get to play house and try and live their own lives (as responsible adults of course). We try so hard to make the consequences of bad choices Okay that we end up teaching our children that there really are no consequences at all.

Parents allow underage drinking; "safe" sex; sometimes even cheating. Parents encourage covetousness by giving our children everything they want as soon as they want it...anyone remember having to save up for something you really wanted? Schools encourage laziness and disrespect by allowing "special needs" children extra time on tests, redo's on tests, special "dispensations" for difficulties, etc. Does anyone remember when you did your homework, you sat in class, you did your work, you took your tests, you got your grades and you dealt with whatever difficulties you had? I do. I remember having a cubical put around my desk at school because I was day dreaming and not paying attention. We teach our children now a days that everything they do deserves praise and that nothing is bad, just a "learning moment." 

We have removed God from society. No prayer in school. No learning scripture in school. No right and wrong in school. No 10 commandments in school. Heck we don't even teach the Constitution in school anymore. We teach our children that everyone should have everything the same and that it's unfair for someone to have more than another person. We have lost a generation of young people to a socialist agenda; to the worship of the creation rather than the creator; to the desires of their flesh rather than the discipline of expectation; to the dissolution of the family for a disgust of all things normal and good. We have lost a generation of young people to the knowledge that they are individuals blessed by God for a great purpose. That mankind was designed to have fellowship with God and to look to those with wisdom and greater knowledge then themselves. We have taught our children that they know more than their parents. That the old are useless and don't understand how things work, when in fact it is those who have lived that have much to share. We no longer hold to the adage that "children should be seen and not heard". Now a days we let children control the adults and we are paying the price. Our children are paying the price. A whole generation lost. Good is evil -- evil is good. 

I will pray for the family who lost their loved ones in a drunk driving incident. I will pray for the family who had their trust destroyed by a young man who chose his happiness over their possession, but I will also pray for the young man who saw nothing wrong with breaking the law and drinking to the point of killing four other humans, and I will pray for the young man who stole from trusted friends. Mostly I will pray for the soul of our Country and our World, because we have dropped the ball. We have "killed" God in our society and if we don't let Him back in we will lose another generation and the whole of human life.

In my book Resitance, The Revelations there is a spiritual battle. You will meet the demons of The Abyss and learn about their plan to bring about their Master's, Satan, plan --The Death of God.


Love and Blessings be upon you.