Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Books

Well, I promised to get back to blogging and I haven't done a darn thing. Funny how that goes. When you're so busy with regular life that you don't get the time to sit down and blog it out.

Today I received the shipment of Resistance, The Revelations, all new and looking good, so I thought I'd jump on and have a bit of a celebration. I'm expecting great things with the re-release of my novel--Hopefully speaking engagements and opportunities for book signings.

I wonder how many people know that writing fiction is a great way to get factual information out to the masses. Many of our great resistance leaders used writing as a means of changing society's views. From Shakespear's plays to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and even to kids fiction like the Hunger Games or Harry Potter many truths can come out in fiction. People learn the facts without feeling like its being shoved in their faces.

My book, Resistance, The Revelations, uses the mode of fiction adventure to show the truths of spiritual warfare in the world and the way progressive government works to undermine the true will of the people. I hope, besides enjoying a great, fun, exciting story, people walk away with the desire to make a difference in whatever way possible. To be able to see what's happening and how easy it is for even the cleverest and kindest among us to be swept up in the false hope of government intervention in our lives is the key to open the lock to the veil that hides real truth from us.

I often wonder if people are really ready to open their eyes and minds to the truth. Are you willing to be a part of the resistance?

Friday, July 10, 2015

Lookin' Good!

Things are looking good with the re-release of Resistance, The Revelations.

The official launch day is August 25th 2015. I will have personal copies to sign and sell by July 17th.

There's been interest by a local radio station to interview me soon, and I will be speaking about the book at the Arlington County TEA Party on July 27th.

Yesterday I got the first proof of the book video trailer, and with a bit of tweaking it will be awesome! Also, the Web Page is under construction and hopefully will be up and running soon.
 If you would like to pre order a copy you can go to Tate Publishing at
The Lord is blessing this endeavor mightily!