Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Busy Again

 Whew! It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Between crazy weather and me getting 7 trees cut down or trimmed WAY back I've not been able to get into the gardens. The trees were very hard for me. The 4 that were cut down were trees that my husband and I planted and enjoyed very much. It was like losing more of him all over again...and the maple trees in the front got cut back to an extreme measure, but it was necessary for their health, and I actually cried from being so overwhelmed by the change. I guess grief causes odd reactions. 

Anyhow, I had to indulge in the process of cleaning up the massive tree loss which had taken many days. I ended up hurting the tendons in my hands from over use of the chain saw and loppers so had to take a week off before clearing the pear tree branches that were laying all over my back yard. But now, with the exception of the large poplar trunks waiting to be cut into usable logs, I am ready to begin the tending of my friends garden maintenance and the cleaning and planting of my own gardens.

The town council/manager finally signed off on my friend David and Sara's yard, so that stress has been lifted. Much is planned for the next few months...getting the green house repaired and moving the logs from my yard to theirs will begin the transformation even more of the Mysterious garden. Keep watching this page for the transformations. It's amazing what a little creativity, hard work, and giving of time can do for a garden.

If you haven't noticed, gardens are one of my biggest passions. Writing and family and friends are right up there, but there's something about digging in the dirt and seeing small plants grown into large greenery, flowers, and herbs that gets my writing juices flowing. The long winter and stress over getting the garden cleared blocked my creativity, but I already feel the words expanding in my mind's eye for the three or four stories I'm working on.


The fresh air and sunshine will fuel my creativity, and those of you waiting for more tales of Andrew Stone, Isabelle Zenn, Michael Damious, Emmanuel Caine, and Outlaws Miles it is in the works...not to mention new characters and of course the children's stories of the Catkins. Just mentioning the names gets me excited! I hope you all have had a decent winter and are looking toward the spring for newness of life, as I am. Blessings to you all, and keep on Resisting !!!