Friday, June 29, 2012

Obama Care Passes Redo

Wow! Was I bummed out yesterday. Actually I still am, but feel like I can at least write my own words today. ...For those of you who don't know what "Who is John Galt" means, it's from the book Atlas Shrugged and it's what people said when they were just too frustrated to say anything else.

Anyway, I'm still absolutely gob-smacked over the SCOTUS decision. How could they do such a thing? Forcing people to buy a product or be taxed? That is so un-Constitutional I just don't know what to think. Our founding fathers warned about this kind of thing...specifically saying the general welfare did not mean what progressives have made it into. James Madison, The Father of the Constitution said this:

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,
and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
they may take the care of religion into their own hands;
they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
and pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,
establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;
they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;
in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation
down to the most minute object of police,
would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power
of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,
it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature
of the limited Government established by the people of America." 
-James Madison 

Our government has morphed into something it was never intended to be...and honestly I'm tired of people saying it's the Democrats or Republicans because it's both of them. For goodness sake look at the policies of all recent presidents and show me any real differences. They all grew the government, they all put new programs into play, they all raised taxes in one way or another; especially as unfunded mandates sent down to the states. Sure the states have to do the taxing, but it's the Federal Government who makes it so. America has been faltering for years and this is the last nail in the coffin. When the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court says, "‘it’s not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices," we must say, "huh?" That is EXACTLY what the court is supposed to do...uphold the rule of law over the mob. 

We have become Ancient Rome. Like the Caesars of old, our leaders redistribute wealth (mostly to their pockets and their friend's pockets, but also enough to the people to make them slaves to their "benevolence".) Too many citizens and non citizens in America have become slaves to the system; whether through social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, etc. they will give their vote to the party that gives them the most for no work. The problem with taxing the rich is that eventually the rich run out of money or quit making it to just give it away. Again, The Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said it best:

“…[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”
-James Madison

 Charity and caring for the poor and needy is supposed to be the business of the church, synogog, neighborhood, community, or individuals not the government. While I find it disgusting that there are a few people (very few people) who don't choose to use their excess money to help those in need, it's  not my place to make them. Generosity should come from the heart and people who feel that they have the right to take from those better off are guilty of breaking the Ten Commandments...remember "Thou shall not covet" and "Thou shall not steal"? If only we, as a people, could learn to be happy with what we have: A little or a lot. 

In most countries of the world the standard of living of the upper middle class is worse than the poorest, even the homeless, in America. We have stopped counting our blessings because instead of looking to God for our strength we look to our government--a thing so corrupt and ruined that it seems pretty impossible to bring it back. America was set up with three branches of government to check the other two...but now the Congress had given absolute power to the President and the Supreme Court has given absolute power to the Congress so we are left with a dictator in Chief and king of sorts. We have gone from Monarch to Free Republic to Monarch within a span of 200 years. What a waste. ...does anyone really believe King Romney is going to be that much better?

Pray; Stand for the truth; Resist the lies; Fight the good fight!

Blessings and love!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama Care Passes

Too angry to write much today so I'll just leave you all with:


Blessings and love to all! I'm praying for America today. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hard Work = Exceptionalism

Hi All! Today I want to post about the value and blessings of hard work. So many people today simply want opportunities to walk up to their door, knock, and say "Hi! Opportunity knocking". Well, those of us who live in the real world know that the chances of that happening are roughly the same as winning the lottery! 

I started this blog to try and get the word out about my book "Resistance, The Revelations". I started a FaceBook Page. I have to start a Twitter feed, and work my butt off (or so I wish I could work my butt off :)) to try and sell my book. I chose the route of self publishing so I could keep control of my work, but the trade off is I have to do all the marketing myself. Sometimes I get down because how on earth is someone like me going to get noticed? Who's going to give me a break and shout it from the roof tops? All the money I've put into it...what a waste. ...Then I think, who knows; maybe in a few months someone will see my blog, FB page, Twitter (if I ever get it up and going), go to my website, buy my book, read it and send it to someone who can market it successfully. Then all the hard work will be worth it. The fact that I wrote a novel, published it, and can share it with people is an accomplishment beyond what I thought could happen, so the rest will be gravy...and I will keep working to get it out there!

My youngest son is in a band called Ghost Children and they are really good. They're writing songs and trying their hardest to get noticed. Are they waiting around for a record company to discover them? or a band to ask them to tour? No. They're out there sending out CD's and giving them away, playing small clubs (which costs), playing open mic nights, practicing, and dreaming. They are working, and I hope someday that they will get noticed. There are bands out there which are huge that don't have the talent of these young people in their little fingers. Their drive and hard work are an inspiration to me.

So how does one keep their excitement levels up in the face of such huge odds? How do we decided not to quit on our dream when it seems hopeless? ...I believe it comes from a drive to succeed. A drive to be the best that we can be and do what is necessary. To believe in our dream and chase it...not to wait around and whine that we're not the next big thing and life's not fair.

Exceptionalism has been turned into a bad word in today's society. To believe you're better than someone else is a huge sin. Why? Exceptionalism is what made America and all the mighty nations of the world great. The belief that if you tried and worked hard you could make your dream come true; Not a belief that everyone should have the same, but a belief that you can excel and be the best. I believe my book can be a best seller. I believe my son's band can be the next big thing. I believe that if we truly reach for the stars and work toward achievable goals we can do anything, and we can be the greatest gift to the world...even if our fame in the world comes from a single child, man, or woman...even if we own nothing, but have worked for what we need, we are the best--the exceptional.

I pray and hope that everyone who reads this will be inspired to believe in their dream. Can everyone be a doctor? pilot? writer? actor? famous? But everyone can be a healer...a leader...a story teller...and someone's hero if instead of looking for the unattainable they enjoy the smallest things they have. Doing our best, even if it's someone elses worst makes us special and exceptional!

Love and blessings!

Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Sorry...But Are You Really?

Ah, today I will speak of the apology...hmmm, what do I mean by apology? I mean when someone says, "I'm sorry" but they're really not. 

I'm sick of people thinking that if someone says "I'm sorry" then we are just supposed to jump up in the air, catch a rainbow, and do our happy dance, especially when the person apologizing continues slapping us in the face.

I heard on the news this morning, in regard to Fast and Furious (the gun scandal not the movie), that we should just move on from the issue because after all Mr. Holder apologized for the mission. Well, dang! Yup! there we go, let's forget about all the weapons smuggled (ie. given) to the cartels to murder and create terror. Forget that it was done with the hope that the blame would be laid at America's door step, so that Obama and the Democrats could try and take away more of our second amendment rights! Forget it because we said we're sorry. ...Well, thank you Mr. Holder for your apology, but you can stick it where the sun don't shine! rainbows here, no happy dance, people died sir!

We have taught our children to say "sorry" even when they're not. What has that taught them? Does anyone wonder why we have such a generation of whiners who can't understand that an apology isn't going to fix the car when it's been wrapped around a pole? Or when they post naked pictures and foul remarks online for all the world to see? "Sorry Mr. Business who I want to hire me, but I was young and well, I DID apologize for it." We've taught them to expect respect regardless of what they do...I even caught myself apologizing the other day to a person so that they would feel better about themselves. I didn't do anything to warrant and apology and I wasn't sorry for what I had said, but to comfort them I said, "I'm sorry". It really bothered me at the time and obviously still does. Ah, the false apology did it really help?

I actually stopped making my kids apologize for doing something if they weren't sorry many years ago. Oh, I punished them for breaking a rule and eventually they would apologize, but if they had hit a kid who had hit them first why should they apologize? I wanted them to be sorry if they apologized. Perhaps it has made them seem a little more gruff because they won't say sorry if they're not, but I actually see their honesty as refreshing. We need to stop apologizing when we haven't done anything wrong. If we're right, or believe we're right, why on earth should we say we're sorry? 

Some of the best advice I ever received was, "don't apologize during a speech". I would be making a point and then say, "I'm sorry but..." but what? If I was sorry would I be saying it? It's made my writing and public speaking much stronger; although, it puts me in the category of "tin foil hat...actually Queen of the tin foil hats" (people who don't like the truth usually resort to name calling or putting people in boxes...I don't think the person who calls me that even knows the definition of tin foil hat, but oh well, I wear it with pride). Speaking the truth is probably one of the hardest things to do, but once you do and get past the name calling--which is what people do when they've lost an argument-- it's liberating and wonderful. So what if someone doesn't like me because of my I really want to be their friend if I have to be someone I'm not?

I've found that there will always be people who dislike you for having a definite opinion and people who will dislike you for your opinion, but in most instances you will have respect for standing up for what you believe. Take the criticism. Take the name calling. Take the loss of friends (you will make more). Learn to apologize when you've done something wrong or wronged someone, but stand firm and strong if you believe or know you're right. 

Resistance only works when the resistance truly resists. Resist the false apology ... unless you're playing the game and infiltrating the enemy--then any means necessary. ...but that's a discussion for another time. ;)

Peace and blessings!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sacred Trust --Lyrics from Petra

Hi! Today I've been listening to one of my favorite Christian Rock Bands, Petra, and I wanted to share the lyric to this song: Jesus was the ultimate Resistance fighter.

Sacred Trust

You never tried to win more secular appeal,
And water down your message with a slightly different feel.

You never tried to be politically correct,
Or skirt around the issues attempting to connect.

You spoke the truth in love so faithfully,
You expect no less from me. 

It's a sacred trust,that You gave to us,
To take your word into all the world.
It's a sacred trust, that You gave to us,
the message of salvation and Your love.

You never shied away from critical debate,
Or beat around the bushes when discussing human fate.

You were never ashamed to tell them who your Father was,
Never ran from persecution like human nature does.

You prayed for all believers on your knees,
then you handed us the keys.

 It's a sacred trust,that You gave to us,
To take your word into all the world.
It's a sacred trust, that You gave to us,
the message of salvation and Your love.

You're trusting us to be bold; The story has to be told.
To every nation and tongue, young and old.

I'm gonna shout from the hill,
How could I ever be still?
I'm gonna let the chips fall where they will.

You spoke the truth in love so faithfully,
You expect no less from me.

 It's a sacred trust,that You gave to us,
To take your word into all the world.
It's a sacred trust, that You gave to us,
the message of salvation and Your love.
This song is a great inspiration to me. So many of us claim to want to be followers of Jesus by "showing" His love, but to be imitators of Jesus is also to be bold, stand, speak the truth, and Resist evil...

Blessings and love to all!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Multiculturalism: The Rise of Hatred and How We Can Fix It

There has always been hatred based on race and ethnicity...since the beginning of time people have enslaved, beaten down, and killed those that they saw as different. However, I believe there was a very short time during the 1980's where that bigotry was almost erased in the West.

After the civil rights movement and the problems of the 70's a new era seemed to have dawned. Reagan and Thatcher worked their best to try and show us how much we could do if we put our minds to it and worked hard; of course there were always those in need and those less fortunate, but the opportunities to grow were there. We had Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney singing about ebony and ivory living in harmony. We had Live Aid, asking people not governments to aid the hungry around the world. We had a Hollywood that made movies making us proud to be American and able to work with different races and ethnic backgrounds. A generation of young people grew up seeing how things could be: blacks, browns, whites, yellows working together.

Of course you always had your far left and far right groups working the hate side of things and trying to create tension, but it just seemed that we respected others more. Then George Bush the first came on the scene, and the first gulf war. That's when all the would be hippies of the 80's came out and decided they didn't like war and wanted to protest like their leaders of old (of course they never matched them because while they didn't like war for oil, they sure liked their luxuries that came from that oil). The Gulf war ends, Bush raises taxes and starts talking about a New World Order, and multiculturalism begins to stick it's ugly head out of the mud.

Due to the recession brought about by Bush's broken promise of not raising taxes we got a "new" kind of President. Clinton, the man who brought us terms like "getting a Lewinski", "it was OK to lie because it was only about sex", and "I feel your pain" was the biggest bringer of racial tensions since the racist Democrats of the civil war and civil rights eras. Multiculturalism began being taught in schools. Instead of bringing young people together in their likenesses we began to teach them about their differences and of course blamed the whole thing on white men (oh and yes Republicans). Now we have a whole generation of young people who believe whites, blacks, and Hispanics never got along. A generation of young people who believe (falsely) that the only way to fix the mistakes of the past is to punish people who weren't even around during the time and have never had racist tendencies...

...Oh, but here's the rub; those of us who never saw color before do now. Those of us who grew up trusting our fellow neighbors now question what their intentions are. We are now taught to hate the rich, hate the whites, hate the blacks, hate the Hispanics, hate the military (but love them too--how's that one work?), hate the tin foil hats, hate the Democrats, hate the Republicans, hate, hate, hate. When was the last time any of our leaders actually encouraged us to love? ...not the fake love of "oh, give me something and I'll love you" or "give away your wealth or you suck" or "love only comes from sacrifice"...but the real love of "let's REALLY try and see each other's view" or "let me use my wealth to create jobs so you don't have to live based on what someone gives you but what you earn" or "I love you, but I have to take care of myself and my family too"?

Having wealth (no matter the person's skin color) does not make one hateful or worthy of scorn. Rich people (of all colors and creeds) buy/bought lots of things, and who makes the stuff they buy? Workmen, craftsmen, laborers (of all colors and creeds) who make/made a good living can't when no one will buy their goods because the"rich" don't want to be called "evil". Being poor or middle class (of all colors and creeds) does not make one lazy or worthy of scorn either. Having less than someone else and wanting more should be a catalyst for harder work or accepting that you can't have everything that you want. Some of the richest people in spirit are the most poor. If we could only come together and put aside our little boxes and learn we each have something to contribute and be happy where we're planted (or work our way up) we could get back to that place I remember--where I had  black, Hispanic, Asian, white and many other religions, and backgrounds of friends.

The bible says we all have a gift to use, and the Apostle Paul built on that by explaining that our gifts/talents are like a body. Each part of the body has a function, the smallest toe is as important as the whole leg. A brain needs a heart and a heart needs the lungs and the lungs need a nose and a nose needs the little cilia to catch impurities that go into the body. When the body doesn't work together then it gets sick. As countries, faiths, neighbors, governments, etc. we need to quit living in the past. What was is over...we need to build toward the future. 

If we are really the people of "tolerance" that everyone says (Muslims, Progressives, Christians, Americans, put your group here) then why can't we take what we have and let the others live in their own way? There is no such thing as tolerance because EVERYONE thinks their way is the rightway and will not "tolerate" anyone who differs from them. Individuals can be tolerant (not many) but not groups.

If we are resistance fighters, WE must put forth our beliefs, stand firm on them, and be willing to defend them (physically, spiritually, and mentally), remembering that our love not our hate will shine the truth into the world...that doesn't mean that everyone or anyone will agree with us or join us, but shouldn't we (if we believe we are right) not compromise or accept that which we know to be false or harmful? True freedom fighters want to conquer using the blessings that come from the truth; even if that means living with less, being treated unfairly and cruelly, and yes possibly even dying. The freedom brought by America shone brightly and the world desired it, but now instead of wanting that freedom for the world the world feels guilty for having it, and is trying (very successfully to undo it). There is nothing evil about having good things or living well. Instead of destroying the West, the West should be encouraging the rest of the world to build up. The devil (the real power behind all the conspiracy theories) doesn't want the light to shine in the darkness and those that live in the darkness do not want their deeds exposed. Truth is our most powerful weapon, and we must wield it with love and prayer.

Blessings and love!

Monday, June 18, 2012


It's been a few days since my last blog. It seems that every time I have something to say I actually have 10 different things to say, and as it is at this moment, I can't think of much to say.

I've spent the last week worrying about my cat getting surgery and the last three days babysitting (cat sitting) him to make sure he's healing--which he is. During this time I've had many thoughts, ideas, and complaints to make, but when I sat down to write there was nothing... (sometimes I think it's a blonde thing! --great thing about being a blonde is that you can blame everything on the fact LOL)

Anyhow, so now that I've wasted a bit of blog time I'd like to say that I hope to be able to write something intelligible soon. Rambling on seemed like a good thing to do, but now I see it's just to take up time. Oh well, please forgive me, but I didn't want to leave too much time between writing. My whole group of about 4 people who read this must know that I am still here; thinking and wanting to write...just a bit brain blocked at the moment. 

Keep the faith all, and remember to fight the good fight. Never surrender to the PTB trying to tear you down and make you ambivalent. Say something even if it is rambling; you never know what nugget of wisdom will come out (plus it keeps people on their toes wondering what the heck your talking about!)

Blessings and love to all!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Will we fight the PTB's? (powers that be)

You know, I get so discouraged when I hear people whining and moaning about their elected officials, but when they have a legitimate choice in a primary they chose the same-old-same-old. What is the point of that?
This blog is about resistance and all I see around me is acquiescence. How can we call ourselves resistance fighters when at the first chance to make a difference we chose the one who resists the least?
In my book, "Resistance, The Revelations", the world has come to the point that the only way to fight the PTB's is to go underground or infiltrate and spy. Do we really want to get to that point? I think we might be there already.
If you dislike the way the world is going or the way America is going then get off your butts and don't just vote for "change" (we've seen what that does) for real change--change that will help future generations. To do that we are going to have to sacrifice now. We have a chance now to make a hold those above us accountable. I guess the thing we must ask ourselves is "do we want to be free or do we want to be slaves?"

Government handouts = slaves.
Hard work and helping ourselves and neighbors = free
Remember what we WANT isn't the same as what we NEED. If you want more than you need then work, live, and love until you get it. Getting something without working for it never fulfills the soul.

God's blessings and love to all!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Does having faith hurt business?

Well, here I am and after reading on in "Atlas Shrugged" I realized that my previous blog is slightly in opposition to where the author was going.

While I hold my faith in God to be of utmost importance to all that I do in my life, Ayn Rand most certainly did not. Quite a shame if you ask me, as the beginning of the book extolled what I see as Christian virtue: Working hard, doing your best, not expecting others to take care of you, the evils of socialism, etc., etc.

I have only gotten through the first of MANY pages of  John Galt's anti-religious and anti-god diatribe, but it truly breaks my heart to know that the author and many others feel the same way. It's awful how men have stolen the truth in religion and turned it for their own purposes. While many Eastern religions do focus on the emptying of oneself and complete self sacrifice, the truth of Christianity, while instilling sacrifice and love of others, is all about reaching for the highest goal you can reach. Jesus preached many parables about those who are given much (skill) much will be required...which doesn't mean you must give much away, but that you must do your best to grow your skill for the betterment of yourself and others, which seems to be a huge theme in the book, Atlas Shrugged.

I see many contradictions in the theories put forth in the book. It amazes me how atheists can see that man has a conscience, which makes him uniquely different from all the rest of creation/evolution, but not realize that the mere fact that we have the ability to choose what we do when all else on the earth simply exists on instinct comes from a higher power. If we are the highest form of basic evolution we should not have this ability. We should simply take what we want, kill who we want, and not worry about how it affects others...but we do BECAUSE we are created separate from the rest of life on this earth: Special and above them with the expectation of managing and taking care of the treasure of the natural world we were given.

LOL, as I read my ramblings I realize both of my posts have to do with "Atlas Shrugged", and that is not what this blog is about. I guess it's just on my mind as it really speaks volumes to how I see the world and how it should work. Isn't amazing how those of us with different faith can see so many things the same. I hope to expound upon that as this blog grows. ...

Later all! Blessings from me to you!!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Welcome to my blog: Resistance

Hi! and welcome to my blog: Resistance.

I'm nearing the end of the novel, Atlas Shrugged, and have to admit that while it is long, it is a very good read. It's kind of like finding all the words you want to say already written down. I found myself reading about a character that comes to the realization that everything she believed had been a lie, and the hopelessness that she descends into:

There is no place to go...--I can't stand still, nor move much longer--I can neither work nor rest--I can neither surrender nor fight--but this...this is what they want of me, this is where they want me--neither living nor dead, neither thinking nor insane, but just a chunk of pulp that screams with fear, to be shaped by them as they please, they who have no shape of their own.

I have been where this young woman was, but instead of losing hope (as her character does) I chose to fight the powers that be (PTB's). And when moments of despair hit me...after wallowing in self pity for a while...I say a prayer and put my trust in God. For me, the knowledge that there is a power greater than my own (and those of the elite powers) who has already told us the outcome, and has already won the victory gives me great peace in my heart.

So my thought and prayer to all reading this is NOT to let THEM shape you, but let your intuition, your knowledge, and your faith shape who you are and who you become. ...While they may control the world they do not control you or me. Don't ever give them that power.