Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hard Work = Exceptionalism

Hi All! Today I want to post about the value and blessings of hard work. So many people today simply want opportunities to walk up to their door, knock, and say "Hi! Opportunity knocking". Well, those of us who live in the real world know that the chances of that happening are roughly the same as winning the lottery! 

I started this blog to try and get the word out about my book "Resistance, The Revelations". I started a FaceBook Page. I have to start a Twitter feed, and work my butt off (or so I wish I could work my butt off :)) to try and sell my book. I chose the route of self publishing so I could keep control of my work, but the trade off is I have to do all the marketing myself. Sometimes I get down because how on earth is someone like me going to get noticed? Who's going to give me a break and shout it from the roof tops? All the money I've put into it...what a waste. ...Then I think, who knows; maybe in a few months someone will see my blog, FB page, Twitter (if I ever get it up and going), go to my website, buy my book, read it and send it to someone who can market it successfully. Then all the hard work will be worth it. The fact that I wrote a novel, published it, and can share it with people is an accomplishment beyond what I thought could happen, so the rest will be gravy...and I will keep working to get it out there!

My youngest son is in a band called Ghost Children and they are really good. They're writing songs and trying their hardest to get noticed. Are they waiting around for a record company to discover them? or a band to ask them to tour? No. They're out there sending out CD's and giving them away, playing small clubs (which costs), playing open mic nights, practicing, and dreaming. They are working, and I hope someday that they will get noticed. There are bands out there which are huge that don't have the talent of these young people in their little fingers. Their drive and hard work are an inspiration to me.

So how does one keep their excitement levels up in the face of such huge odds? How do we decided not to quit on our dream when it seems hopeless? ...I believe it comes from a drive to succeed. A drive to be the best that we can be and do what is necessary. To believe in our dream and chase it...not to wait around and whine that we're not the next big thing and life's not fair.

Exceptionalism has been turned into a bad word in today's society. To believe you're better than someone else is a huge sin. Why? Exceptionalism is what made America and all the mighty nations of the world great. The belief that if you tried and worked hard you could make your dream come true; Not a belief that everyone should have the same, but a belief that you can excel and be the best. I believe my book can be a best seller. I believe my son's band can be the next big thing. I believe that if we truly reach for the stars and work toward achievable goals we can do anything, and we can be the greatest gift to the world...even if our fame in the world comes from a single child, man, or woman...even if we own nothing, but have worked for what we need, we are the best--the exceptional.

I pray and hope that everyone who reads this will be inspired to believe in their dream. Can everyone be a doctor? pilot? writer? actor? famous? But everyone can be a healer...a leader...a story teller...and someone's hero if instead of looking for the unattainable they enjoy the smallest things they have. Doing our best, even if it's someone elses worst makes us special and exceptional!

Love and blessings!

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