Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Will we fight the PTB's? (powers that be)

You know, I get so discouraged when I hear people whining and moaning about their elected officials, but when they have a legitimate choice in a primary they chose the same-old-same-old. What is the point of that?
This blog is about resistance and all I see around me is acquiescence. How can we call ourselves resistance fighters when at the first chance to make a difference we chose the one who resists the least?
In my book, "Resistance, The Revelations", the world has come to the point that the only way to fight the PTB's is to go underground or infiltrate and spy. Do we really want to get to that point? I think we might be there already.
If you dislike the way the world is going or the way America is going then get off your butts and don't just vote for "change" (we've seen what that does)...vote for real change--change that will help future generations. To do that we are going to have to sacrifice now. We have a chance now to make a difference...to hold those above us accountable. I guess the thing we must ask ourselves is "do we want to be free or do we want to be slaves?"

Government handouts = slaves.
Hard work and helping ourselves and neighbors = free
Remember what we WANT isn't the same as what we NEED. If you want more than you need then work, live, and love until you get it. Getting something without working for it never fulfills the soul.

God's blessings and love to all!

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