Friday, June 8, 2012

Does having faith hurt business?

Well, here I am and after reading on in "Atlas Shrugged" I realized that my previous blog is slightly in opposition to where the author was going.

While I hold my faith in God to be of utmost importance to all that I do in my life, Ayn Rand most certainly did not. Quite a shame if you ask me, as the beginning of the book extolled what I see as Christian virtue: Working hard, doing your best, not expecting others to take care of you, the evils of socialism, etc., etc.

I have only gotten through the first of MANY pages of  John Galt's anti-religious and anti-god diatribe, but it truly breaks my heart to know that the author and many others feel the same way. It's awful how men have stolen the truth in religion and turned it for their own purposes. While many Eastern religions do focus on the emptying of oneself and complete self sacrifice, the truth of Christianity, while instilling sacrifice and love of others, is all about reaching for the highest goal you can reach. Jesus preached many parables about those who are given much (skill) much will be required...which doesn't mean you must give much away, but that you must do your best to grow your skill for the betterment of yourself and others, which seems to be a huge theme in the book, Atlas Shrugged.

I see many contradictions in the theories put forth in the book. It amazes me how atheists can see that man has a conscience, which makes him uniquely different from all the rest of creation/evolution, but not realize that the mere fact that we have the ability to choose what we do when all else on the earth simply exists on instinct comes from a higher power. If we are the highest form of basic evolution we should not have this ability. We should simply take what we want, kill who we want, and not worry about how it affects others...but we do BECAUSE we are created separate from the rest of life on this earth: Special and above them with the expectation of managing and taking care of the treasure of the natural world we were given.

LOL, as I read my ramblings I realize both of my posts have to do with "Atlas Shrugged", and that is not what this blog is about. I guess it's just on my mind as it really speaks volumes to how I see the world and how it should work. Isn't amazing how those of us with different faith can see so many things the same. I hope to expound upon that as this blog grows. ...

Later all! Blessings from me to you!!!!

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