Monday, June 18, 2012


It's been a few days since my last blog. It seems that every time I have something to say I actually have 10 different things to say, and as it is at this moment, I can't think of much to say.

I've spent the last week worrying about my cat getting surgery and the last three days babysitting (cat sitting) him to make sure he's healing--which he is. During this time I've had many thoughts, ideas, and complaints to make, but when I sat down to write there was nothing... (sometimes I think it's a blonde thing! --great thing about being a blonde is that you can blame everything on the fact LOL)

Anyhow, so now that I've wasted a bit of blog time I'd like to say that I hope to be able to write something intelligible soon. Rambling on seemed like a good thing to do, but now I see it's just to take up time. Oh well, please forgive me, but I didn't want to leave too much time between writing. My whole group of about 4 people who read this must know that I am still here; thinking and wanting to write...just a bit brain blocked at the moment. 

Keep the faith all, and remember to fight the good fight. Never surrender to the PTB trying to tear you down and make you ambivalent. Say something even if it is rambling; you never know what nugget of wisdom will come out (plus it keeps people on their toes wondering what the heck your talking about!)

Blessings and love to all!


  1. Always nice to have a ramble sweet heart although....I have to be honest and say....I haven't written on my Blog for weeks! So you are good to write on your Blog and remember...rambling is xx

  2. Thanks Sharon for commenting. I love a good ramble! I think I'll start writing a little every day on the blog and on my Resistance Face Book's supposed to be good for us writers to write everyday! :)
