Thursday, October 18, 2012

Safety Corridors or Stealth Tax Cooridors?

Hi all! I've been away visiting family for the past week...had a GREAT time, but now I'm back and ready to speak the truth (well at least the truth as I see it). Anyway...has anyone experienced the wonder of "safety corridors" on the highway? 
 Highway Safety Corridor sign
What a joke!!! It was my experience that every time the cars around me hit the "safety" corridor they continued at the same speed (which was usually above said posted speed limit). In fact I think if someone actually slowed down to meet the "safe" speed they would end up causing an accident. And not only did the speed stay at an above the limit posted but the insanity of tailgating, whizzing in and out of traffic, and not using signals continued as well.

Can anyone tell me how driving on a long stretch of highway is safer at 60 MPH rather than 70 MPH? It is obviously set to catch out people (at the police's convenience) to give them tickets. I see no other reason behind it...certainly not safety...even when entering large cities and the speed limit drops to between 55 and 60 MPH people don't slow down...again if they did it would probably end up causing an accident. And if it really is about safety why raise the fines in these areas? Shouldn't fines be the same all over and police be as attentive for all breakers of the law if "safety" is really the guiding issue? I wonder if the police don't get ticked off every time some do-gooder politician decides to mandate some new "revenue raising scheme" to make citizens dislike them all the more?

I have no problem with the police enforcing laws, but I bet most officers would rather be serving and protecting citizens in a useful way rather than sitting around babysitting drivers (most of whom are doing their best to be safe). Wouldn't it be better if they pulled over all the tailgaters, non directional users while lane changing, or the crazies who zig-zag in and out of traffic? Perhaps if the dangerous driving was corrected speed wouldn't matter.

No matter how the "scientists" and "safety loving" politicians (societal control freaks) try and sell this idea to me, I just don't buy it. Safety cooridors are stealth tax areas plain and simple. It's just one more way that citizens give up their freedoms and have allowed themselves to be "parented" rather than governed. Resistance has been ignored for too long. Can we ever get our freedoms back when the stealing of them has been put under the guise of "public safety?" 
...Just asking the question.

Is this who we have become? Big Daddy Government thinking for us?
 For a fictional look into the plausible reality of complete government control over the populace check out my first novel...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

?? Good = Evil and Evil = Good ??

This is one of my favorite verses in the fact I love the whole Psalm. It reminds me that while we have free will to chose our destinies and manage to mess things up that God is there to lift us up and keep us safe if we just wait on Him. 
Verse 13 and 14 end it "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord."

In our politically correct world it seems that we call good evil and evil good. Taking money from people who work hard and earn money is good. Expecting people to work hard and be happy with what they have is evil. Being LGBT is good. Being straight is evil. Individuals helping the poor is evil. Government helping the poor is good. Having more than one or two children in marriage is evil. Having lots of children outside of marriage is good. Teaching children they are more than animals and created by a loving God is evil. Teaching children they are just animals who's existence on the earth is destructive and evil is good. Encouraging people to separate into castes (women, men, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, gays, straights, poor, rich, healthy, ill, etc., etc.) is good. Encouraging people to come together and be one nation with one goal --freedom-- to be individuals working together to create the greatest nation on the earth is evil. ...I could go on, but I've listed enough. 

We, as a people for generations, have sat by and allowed the government to control, divide, and steal from us. Wanting "safety nets" has made us lazy and selfish. Taxes are necessary and even good when they are used properly. In our case for the defense of our country and the running of our country. However, our early 20th century mothers and fathers decided it would be better for the government to take their money to take care of them in the future. It would have been great if those same mothers and fathers had held the government accountable for that money. But they just trusted that it was being put away, even as the government grew and grew and grew. Now that the money is gone they cry "we were promised that money. It's not an entitlement. We deserve it." And while I do think those on SS and Medicare should get what they paid into it, I don't think they are entitled to it, because they dropped the ball. They didn't want to be responsible for their own retirement so they trusted government...they made the wrong choice. So now we have an older generation who needs the government, we have a younger generation who wants the government to give them everything they want, and we have an in the middle generation who has woken up to the fact that we're all in a hell of a mess, with  no easy way out. ...and this brings me to the point of this blog: We (as a society and and nation, not necessarily individually) have left our trust in God and turned toward the government as our help in time of need, and He has given us over to the desires of our hearts: Covetousness.

"Just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God and longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful) Although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."  Romans 1:28-32

I grew up believing that America was a Christian nation...and I was wrong. America never has been a Christian nation. It's why our founders warned us of the decline of our civilization if we ever turned away from God. We were a nation of Christians. From the beginning of our Country pretty much until the 1960's we were a nation of citizens who put the Christian God first. We prayed in school. We held life important. We taught the 10 Commandments to our children and most of us went to Church. Then the New Age beliefs and progressive/liberal thought snuck in and began to tweek the laws and get regulations on the books for future use. People might be amazed to find out all the wonderful regulations just waiting to be implemented on society once the time comes. Our education system was taken out of the states hands and put into the Federal hands (Jimmy Carter did that in the 70's). The FED really began using their power to manipulate our money. The congress gave more and more power away to the executive branch until today the congress is really no more than a group of guys getting paid to do nothing while the president rules through executive fiat with a supreme court that no longer rules based on the Constitution but their own agendas. Amercia's churches have mostly joined the social justice model and become havens of social programs and feel good theology and snubbed their true purpose which is to bring Christians together to worship the Lord, be fed by the scriptures to be prepared to go out and share the gospel (that is Christ and Him Crucified not "I'm Okay, you're Okay"). America has left God and God is on His way out of America. We have followed the ways of the world and are reaping what we have sown...Perhaps Jeremiah Wright wasn't so wrong after all...maybe Americas chickens are coming home to roost...not so much because of our interjection into the rest of the world but our rejection of the Creator of the World...

I never like to leave things on a negative place. While I live as a realist, I am at heart an optimist. I know God is in control of the plan. 

 I know that the end will come when it is time. I also know that we reap what we sow. Maybe if we can come together, look past our differences, accept that we won't all agree but deserve to live as we choose, and let God be the judge of the world, we can live quiet and Godly lives. That is what I'd like more than anything on this earth. 
The Apostle Paul, who lived in the immoral Roman world without trying to change IT, warned Christians that while we are to judge those in the church and those who claim Christ; we are not to judge those outside of the church. As Christians we need to pray for America. We need to pray for those in sin (including ourselves). We need to pray for the church (as there is only one true church: the whole body of believers in Jesus Christ). We must stand and speak the truth. Good IS NOT evil and evil IS NOT good. We will get teased, called names, and who knows maybe imprisoned for it. Let our focus be on God. Trust in Him: It is the only way to have the peace that passes all understanding.

As always remember to resist the schemes of Satan. Resistance is both in the world and in the spirit realm. 
If you like a good adventure story with conspiracies and spiritual warfare, check out my novel. I hope you will enjoy it!

Love and blessings to all.