I sat down to write a blog today, and realized I really don't have anything to say. Not that I don't have A LOT to say, but I don't know what to say. I started the blog to try and get interest in my book, but then again I didn't really write the book with the idea of publishing it. I just enjoyed the writing, and the people who read the draft encouraged me to publish it, so I did.
Seems like all the important things I have to say are in the book... the idea that a global world order wants control of all people it self evident these days; but the purpose of the book was to show how it's really nothing new (as in the New World Order or the New Age Movement), but simply the power that demons have craved since their fall, and how they've used man to accomplish their ends. The book is about the power of prayer over the forces of darkness and how a small group of people willing to put it all out there can make a difference. ...It's just that perhaps the difference we make is not going to be in the world, but in the hearts of others. Only by a change coming from within a person's soul can any lasting change be made in the world.
Our hearts have grown cold. We no longer want to help our fellow man, we want someone else to take care of them. I'm not speaking individually, but as a society. We have left God and He has left us. Hard times are coming my friends and it's not going to be our governments that help us, or our charitable organizations that are going to help us, it's going to have to be our faith in God that will help us... but I wonder how many of us will be praising God when we lose our homes; and our plentiful supply of food; and our big mega churches that cater to our every human need as opposed to our spiritual needs. Who will be praising God when the only place to meet will be in dark basements without praise bands and pot lucks and soft comfy chairs? It's easy for us to say "I will never fall away", but then again we in the West have never been tested either.
As a society we have abandoned God and His mission of feeding the spirit and saving souls, for the humanist mission of feeding bellies and neglecting souls. Modern Christians shun the wealthy and praise the poor, but how will the poor have jobs or be helped without the wealthy to supply funds? How will the poor ever climb out of poverty if there is nothing to aspire too? How is destroying the rich going to help the poor? Have you figured it out yet? It's not the wealthy that are destroying the world. It's not those who desire profit that are hurting the poor. It is the governments controlled by the New World Order (or as it should be called the Old World Order) that are hurting the poor. People who desire profit (the wealthy) end up creating business that in turn results in hiring people. People with wealth set up foundations and charities to aid the poor.
The hope and desire of the less fortunate to be able to achieve their dreams is what creates innovation. It's why I believe God put the "thou shall not covet" commandment in his law. Because coveting is what leads to all other sins... in fact it was the coveting of knowledge that incited Eve to sin. Coveting leads to putting things above God, disrespecting parents, murder, theft, adultery and lying. When you think about it, our whole society (since the Great Society) has been all about coveting what others have; giving the government the ability to enslave a generation and generations to come in the most under-rated of sins--that of taking what you did not earn (theft). Remember it says "You will reap what you sow"... it does not say "what others sow you will reap."
We must resist... and that is what my book is all about: https://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=9781681422107urchase