Monday, August 25, 2014

Lost Art of Compromise

It's been a while since I've written a proper blog. Besides being busy with other things I really feel like no one's opinion really matters anymore; but, alas here I am giving it another go just to try and clear my head.

I'm sure most of us have had the "wonderful " chance to be written off by someone because our opinions happen to differ. It's a strange world we find ourselves in today. There was a time (not too long ago) where people of a different mind could sit and discuss, debate, and even get a bit heated and still walk away as friends or at least friendly acquaintances. Now, if you even ask a question that someone finds "offensive" they throw a temper tantrum and throw you overboard without a moments thought. I find myself asking, "why?"

As I've turned this thought over and over in my head I have come to the conclusion, that as that Bible says, "In the last days men (women too) will become lovers of self." It is 100% about being the smartest person in the room...couple that with a position of power (ie. president, pastor, minority group, etc.) and you have the hate-filled, fear-filled, arrogance-filled world we now find ourselves.

People have become so enamoured with the idea of self-esteem (the lifting up of ones self) and selfish desire that they no longer care about anyone else. Oh, sure, they may use all the right buzz words and do all the "tolerant", politically correct things; claim to be libertarian and freedom loving when really all they want is their PERSONAL joy. ...Sorry people, but civilization was not built on the concept of PERSONAL fulfillment, but on societal fulfillment. America was not built on the idea of PERSONAL freedom without taking into account society. There is a difference between individual liberty and anarchy.

Individual liberty is the concept of taking care of yourself and your family first and they society. It is about INDIVIDUALs working together for the betterment of the whole. Anarchy is the concept of I'll do what I like and you do what you like and the hell with society. As long as I get my way that is all that matters. Both rely on the individual having their own private property, but while anarchy is about self, individual liberty is about responsibility. One cannot have a free country without laws for the betterment of society. There must be rules and punishments. While anarchy and libertarianism sounds really good it neglects the fact that while somebody is having their way it is still at the expense of others.

Now I'm sure with my previous paragraph I'm going to be called a socialist or communist, but I say who cares what someone wants to label me. I've been labeled much worse believe me. However, taking care of society on and individual basis is not socialist. Government taking care of society is socialist. Our founding fathers were mostly Christians and even those who weren't saw the value in the ten commandments

True liberty comes from making rules that benefit everyone and then letting them create what they will. Not promising equal outcomes, but equal opportunities. It seems today that no one wants equal opportunities. Women want special exceptions for them. People of different colors want exceptions for them. People of different sexual orientation want exceptions for them. The poor want exceptions for them. The rich want exceptions for them. The list goes on and on and on.

What if we truly made a level playing field? A place where you got the job because of what you were willing to do? No gender, no color, no past life troubles? Just a place where people who work hard got the job? People who want to work only 40 hours a week (or 30 hours as the democrats have decided is enough to live on) would still get mad at the boss who works 24/7 and makes way more money. People who work at jobs that don't take a lot of skill would still get mad at those who got a proper job related education or had worked their way over many years and make way more money. People who waste their whole paycheck on beer and cigarettes instead of putting that money into savings or investments would still get mad at people who scrimp and save and have more than them because of fiscal responsibility.

We have become a world of takers. A world where it should be our way or no way. We live in a world where compromise doesn't exist...not because there aren't people who are willing to compromise, but because the people willing to compromise always get screwed over. Compromise has become the art of whoever can make the other side look like hateful bigots so they can force them to give in. I think people are so sick and tired of being told what to do and what to think that we now simply throw away people who don't 100% agree with us.

The problem with that is we never learn anything. In the many discussions I have had with people I disagree with (whether it be politics, religion, child raising, school choice, etc.,) is that usually we have the same goal...even the same idea. We just see it from a different vantage point: different life experiences. I have learned that while I may not change my mind or they might not change their mind, we do have common ground. There is more to their point of view than just stupidity (for lack of a better term).

If we would take the time to listen to others instead of instantly judging them we just might see that we actually have more in common than we thought. We might be able to find a middle ground, while still holding to our firm held opinions, beliefs, or faith. As it is now, though I fear our whole world is just lost. It doesn't matter if you are the one willing to listen or discuss if most everyone else is just going to yell and stomp their feet. It seems today the only way to be heard is to be the loudest most vial voice on the playground. Problem with that is most people who want to truly listen or debate get drown out or shut out by the others who just don't want to share.

It seems to me that as a society we want to lift up people who break the law as heroes and those who follow the laws as sheep. And while it is true that we have FAR too many laws in the United States (not to mention in the EU) it is the fault of "we the people" who sat around so long in ignorance allowing it all to happen. When we had the chance to stop the over-throw of our sovereign nation's we were too busy supporting our "side" of the political spectrum that we ignored the evil that would come. Now we are reaping what we sowed...but nothing can change if we stick to our ideological parties and don't try and find some kind of common ground. Stop all the "comprehensive" nonsense and start making small changes that we can agree on. If we don't stop the blocking and the tossing out and the ignoring of differing views we will perish as a free society. We are already only semi-free if even that.

I believe that the only saving grace we have is in God: Yahweh. A change of our hearts is what is needed. A coming together of the church/churches is needed. To stop throwing away good people because of one or two disagreements is imperative. Even if you don't believe in God, opening your mind to believers is not a bad thing. Our laws, after all, were founded on the Judeo-Christian principles of loving your neighbor as yourself.

We need to resist the schemes of the world and try and come together as people again instead of little groups of individuals stuck neatly into boxes...and as this is a blog to promote my book I will shamelessly do it here.

Read Resistance, The Revelations and find hope for the truth.