I always wanted to believe that government rules were MEANT
to be fair and across the board. I know “the world isn’t fair” but for all the
talk today about “equality” and “transparency” and yes even “fairness” it is
still the same as it has always been and will always be. Those with money and
power will be allowed to skirt the rules, change the rules, or simply flaunt
the rules. Those without money or power will have their dreams crushed by the
I joined local government with the hope that I could bring
something positive to the table. I had hoped to be able to change the
over-reaching regulations in my small town that strangle the creativity of
small business. Turns out that the people in power do not want to let small
business thrive, but control it and will it to their power. You want a vibrant
hand-painted sign? NO! You must pay to have a “professional” do the work. You
want to put up a banner? Okay, but only for a maximum of three months of the
year and you will pay a permit fee. You want to display your wears on the
sidewalk and leave it over night (at your own risk of theft)? No! You must tear
everything down and bring it in over night and then put it out the next day.
You want to be individual? No! We want everything to be uniform and look the
same. –Of course, if you have connections or money we can over-look the rules,
but if we don’t like you, oh, will we ever bring down the wrath of the rules on
I have no issue with regulations if they are small and
fairly enforced across the board. I know people like to say, “but if someone
can give us something we need to bend the rules for them.” Great, but what
about the little guy who just wants to have a chance at the dream? No big
investors, just a small bank loan and a dream. They don’t have anything to
offer but their soul…we say, “sorry, can’t bend the rules for you, you don’t
have enough to give us.” Government regulations are supposed to be for the
safety of the citizenry, not for the picking and choosing of winners. If a town
sets up rules to follow it’s “vision statement” or “comprehensive plan” then
they should be followed, but as we all know they are not.
I used to be a believer in the American Dream. I used to
believe in the greatness of the USA. But now I see that we have all been sold a
bill of goods. There never has been government of the people. From the very
beginning the PTB’s have bought and sold politicians to get their way. Since
the dawn of the 1900’s the government has take total power from the people and
given us the dregs of what they decide is good for us. Since the 1990’s we have
been brainwashed into believing that somehow this government is our
savior--that all we have to do is give our money to the benevolent leaders (of
whichever party we like) and they will make us great and save the world. We are
the “BORG”: the collective.
Sustainable communities are the way of the future. The next
generation do not want to own their own property. They are happy to rent and
live in small apartments and recreate in the places created by their leaders.
When open spaces are closed off and we can work, live, and play in our own
little communities there will be happiness. It reminds me of vassal Europe. The
people worked to pay taxes to the lords who paid taxes to the King, who decided
whether or not to spend it on the people. The experiment has ended and as was
foretold by the founders, has it failed.