Thursday, July 26, 2012

Free Speech vs. Political Correctness

Political correctness is the death of free speech. The first Amendment to the US. Constitution says:

 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

In the USA today we have gotten our liberties upside down, back to front, and inside out. Instead of people being free to worship as they please (peaceably) pastors are being put in jail for having bible studies, Christians are being arrested for praying in public, our religious history is being boxed up and hidden away from the public square, and churches are being forced to provide services against their beliefs, while Islamicists are allowed to bring Sharia Law into our society, atheists re-write our history and destroy all vestiges of God in the public square, and progressives force people of faith to pay for things that go against their beliefs. (Inside Out)

TEA party rally organizers are expected to jump through hoops to assemble peaceably, while Occupy Wall-streeters are allowed to break laws, attack police, and cause mayhem without hardly any opposition. Those who wish to follow the law are condemned and punished while law breakers are held up as heros. (Upside Down)

Conservative voices in the media and press are attacked and tried to be stifled with things like the "fairness doctrine" and labeling certain speech as "hate speech", while progressive media and press routinely use foul language, libelous and slanderous speech, and whatever they please to put forth their propaganda. I know both sides put forth propaganda, but our Bill of Rights was set up so that BOTH sides got heard and the people could decide. As it is now, the left has free range and the right takes their very freedom in their hands. (Back to Front)

Free Speech is being affected too by the influx of Political Correctness. Free speech was set up for the individual citizen to speak out. In our world today though, the only people allowed to speak freely are those who agree with the current wave of progressive speech. Instead of allowing people to have their own opinions we have become a Borg-like (A Borg is a collective proper noun for a fictional group of people in the productions of the science fiction series Star Trek. The Borg are a collection of species that have turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones of the collective the hive, pseudo-race, dwelling in the Star Trek universe. The Borg take other species by force into the collective and connect them to "the hive mind"; the act is called assimilation entails violence, abductions, and injections of cybernetic implants. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection" quote from Wikepedia) Society. We have become all about indoctrination:our children are taught that they are the future and know better than their parents. We have raised a generation of people to believe that everyone needs to be like everyone else. Free thought is no longer encouraged or desired...we have become so connected to "society" that we are losing our individualism. ...bringing me back to our loss of free speech.

It used to be that people of differing views could respectfully dialogue, share their ideas, and either come to a consensus or agree to disagree, but in today's world we no longer like respectful dialogue; we don't share ideas we tell people what they should think; and we don't want to find consensus and those who disagree are morons or pick any other name. We have allowed the elites (democrats, republicans and independents) to decide how we should live and think, and they have taken that ball and run with it. We have given up so much of our power to the "ruling elite" that we are almost back to where we began: a group of peasants ruled by a King and his court.

Call me a tin foil hat or a kook or any other name, but with the plans being put in place, and already in place, government will be able to tell us where to live (sustainable development), what and how much we can drive (we're already seeing it...gas, road, and mileage taxes), what we can eat (sustainable farming), etc., etc. There is a document called "UN Agenda 21" that actually spells out the whole plan. "Sustainable" is the rallying cry, "class warfare" is their battle plan, and "redistribution of wealth" is their end game (with the elites at the top having everything they wish...provided by the slaves--oops I mean citizens).

Are we going to sit by and allow this to happen? Are we going to stop buying products not because of discrimination against patrons but because of a single person's thoughts about behaviour? Are we going to change our speech or behaviour because "society" tells us it's bad (even if we know it's not)? Are we going to give in and give up our freedoms for unrealistic "safety" or "peace"? The choice is ours. We can resist or we can become slaves. What will you choose?

For a good fictional account of what could happen with the implementation of UN Agenda 21 and peoples trust in government for their livelyhood and "safety" check out my book, Resistance, The Revelations.

Blessings, peace, and hopefully freedom to you!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Gun Violence: Who's to Blame?

 Early this morning we once again saw a deranged person shoot up a highly populated area: a movie theater. Who is the first person to get blamed? --The shooter? No. The blame is first on the Gun (LOL), then Rush Limbaugh, and of course the TEA party. Wow! Is anyone surprised? 

Perhaps the gunman should be the one to blame. I don't care if he is crazy or sane, the point is HE got the guns and gas, and started a rampage. Did the guns jump up and start shootin'? Did the gas just start fuming? No! James Holmes used the gun and the gas. James Holmes is to blame.

Now, we've got the lefty loons blaming the TEA party (surprise!) and of course Rush Limbaugh because he mentioned the connections between the character Baine and Bane Capital...ooooohhhh! sinister. However, when we look into the back ground of the actual shooter we see he could be an OCCUPIER.  Can't be sure this is the same guy, but Check out the link here: TEA Party or Occupy: Who is the more dangerous? 

Now should we blame the occupy movement? No, we should blame James Holmes. Whether he got the idea to shoot from the OWS movement or from voices in his head (no I'm not saying that, just putting out ideas) it was he who shot. James Holmes is responsible. Look into the OWS and the TEA party and see which one supports violence, though, I think you'll see where his ideology came from.

 Now, to the real point behind this. We know the left will be using this to try and ban guns. It is amazing how this happened only a week before the UN Small Arms Treaty is to be signed. Hmmmm....the conspiracy theorist in me jumps to the surface. As Americans we need to hold firm to our second amendment rights. Our founders, who flew this flag when fighting England back during the Revolutionary War, knew the importance of guns to protect the citizenry from the government (and psyco-people who choose to misuse guns). We need to remember the battle cry "Don't Tread On Me"! Don't let this tragedy be a beacon for anti gun right people to rally behind. Make the point that if someone in the theater (much like if someone at Columbine High School) had a weapon the damage probably would have been much less or  not at all. The slogan "guns don't kill people; people kill people" is true. Because if this young man had simply brought those guns and gas into the theater and left them nothing would have happened because inanimate objects cannot do anything without aid.

Now, listen to this now famous quote from Rahm Emmanuel:
(I have no claim over this quote or video. This is a Youtube post) Never let a good crisis go to waste

Progressives know how to use a good crisis. Watch them use this tragedy for their gun grabbing scheme and don't let them do it. If you give up your rights to defend yourself you will make Thomas Jefferson's quote above come true. ...and remember you may like the President who implements a plan, but eventually the other guy will get in and control it. Never give up your rights...ever.

Remember, in America we believe our rights are GOD GIVEN. Pray for America to return to the God who has blessed us beyond all measure. Trust in God, not in government!


Blessings and love to all those who lost loved ones in Aurora, Colorado and all those affected by this horrible crime.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Christian or Not?

Well, here I am, back again to share my thoughts. The saying to the right is usually used by those of us resisting government over-reach, but today I'm going to use it in regard to us resisting the "church's" over-reach. Yes, I said it-- the church, or to be exact certain "Christian" teachings in the church. For what I am about to speak I will be called unChristian, heretic, hate monger, un-loving, and many other things by Christians and non-Christians. ...So here goes:

It is not the Church or Christian's job to take care of the poor all around the world. It is the job of the Church and Christians to take the word of God to ALL the people of the world; it is the job of the Church and Christians to live their faith; it is the job of the Church and Christians to help those who cross their path in need out of love not out of obedience or as a desire to get acknowledgement; it is the job of the Church and Christians to hold fellow believers to a standard of behaviour but not those in the world; and it is the job of the Church and Christians to be 'black and white' in what's right and wrong: that is, the Church is supposed to state what it believes, stand by what it believes, live by what it believes and trust God to bring people to the truth.

 Again, look to the left this time. Here we have a quote from Thomas Jefferson, that we government resistance fighters use when the government over-reaches, but it can also be applied to the "Church" and certain "Christians" today. ...and again my words will make me be damned to hell, a heretic, unChristian, an ignorant protestant, a godless heathen, and many more. So here we go again:

There are too many so called Christians who put themselves under the rule of a small elite of "godly men and women" who supposedly know more than the rest of us, due to the fact that they went to school or seminary to learn how to "understand" scripture; something that the regular masses are just not capable of doing. ...LOL. 

As I see it, Catholics put themselves under close to 2000 years of Popes and "early church fathers" who supposedly are the only people that God has ever or will ever speak truth to. 
Protestants put themselves under different "church fathers" who chose to protest and reform the Catholic church in the 16th century and their now-a-day preachers and authors who also supposedly know more than the regular people. 

 What's the difference? The difference is which leader you are listening to. Catholics admit that their beliefs come from the bible and traditions; however, Protestants think that they are following the Bible alone, but they actually follow Luther, or Wycliff, or Calvin, or Moody, or Billy Graham, or Rick Warren, or Joel Osteen, or pick another "wise church leader," and they really are they just regurgitating the words (traditions) of men who decided what the bible said and they agree with? 

And of course let's not forget those who follow Oprah's teachings, Buddah's teachings, Marx's teachings, etc., etc. ...Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with following the words of wise men and women. I believe God speaks through and works through anyone He chooses. I just get tired of people who try and say that they "think for themselves" when they just parrot their leader's teachings. How on earth can we know what is right? or who is right?

 As a Christian who is neither Catholic or Protestant, but simply a follower of God I think the picture above says it all: It's not what we do that keeps us safe from evil or that saves people, it is the power of God that brings us, keeps us, protects us, and shines through us that does the work.

 To know what is right or wrong is already written in our heart. Even those of us who try and make all behaviour acceptable know in our heart somehow that it is not. I believe that God spoke through men, who wrote down His will, which was compiled into the Holy Bible. That doesn't mean that I don't believe God speaks through other writings or other people, but that the basics of His expectations are available to us in the scriptures, and all other enlightenment should be viewed through the spectrum of the Bible. 

If people read the 10 Commandments, free from an unbiased opinion about the "fairness" of having rules, I think they would see that the commandments are actually not what we shouldn't do, but how we can be blessed by what we do do. The first few commandments deal with our relationship to God, and if people (even atheists or other god followers) were honest, they would see that the commandments having us look to something higher than ourselves is a good thing. To take moment and take a day to rest our bodies and remember what our creator did for us is good.

The other commandments actually are a source of peace if people would follow them, because they speak of how we should treat others. The idea that someone's property is their own is the most fair belief out there AND the basis for the American Constitution.

Let's go through them: Thou shall not steal, commit adultery, murder, bear false witness, or covet.

 These ideas speak to the truth of personal property. God was saying that we should not desire or take things that are not ours, which in turn shows that God is all for people having their own private property. When we take God out of our lives we lose the beauty of private property. When people own something or must earn something they can have peace and contentment, both with knowing they did something well and because they can share with those who may be in need. When people believe they deserve what others have or that all things should just be "shared", they  never have peace nor contentment. People who are given things tend to not appreciate them and don't take joy in them, because they just see that someone else has something they don't and that's not "fair." 

How often do we hear that someone who is poor and content is far richer than the man who has lots of money but wants more and more? Well, what if we turn it around and say the man who is rich is happy and content with what he has and wants more to be able to create jobs and be able to help others; while the poor man is angry and stewing because he wants more than what he has. Who's the happier in this senario? It all comes down to contentment. The rich are not the end all be all evil and the poor are not the end all be all of virtue and vice-versa. We are living in a world where the rich are demonized (heck even the middle class is demonized) and told that they are hateful and mean and unloving because they actually enjoy the wealth that they have earned or created; we are living in a world where those with less (not poor, just with less) are lifted up on a pedestal when they destroy property and demand things they haven't earned. UPSIDE DOWN.

We must resist the covetous ideas we are fed everyday. We must put the blame where it should be and that is on an out of control government--both worldly and in the church. Is it the Democrats fault? Is it the Republicans fault? Yes, it is both of their fault, but mostly it is the American people's fault and complacent Christian's fault because they have sat idly by for the last 100 years allowing the destruction of the independent, successful entrepreneurial spirit that built America. We have so demonized the successful that people no longer desire to reach the highest heights, but do the least they can for the most they can get. Greatness has now been turned into selfishness and laziness has become a virtue. How oh how can we return to our founding? I don't know; But what I do know is that I will not apologize for my family's success nor feel bad for the things we have because of our hard work, saving instead of spending, and blessings from God. I will continue to support my husband in his work, tend my home and work to market my book, support my sons in their respective choices in life, and hopefully have enough to share with my grand daughter as she grows.

I will resist the negative words of "Christians" who say because I feel that taxing the rich is not the way to help the poor that I am mean, unloving, or un-Christian; I will resist the urge to stop fighting because it seems useless; and I will resist the schemes of the Devil that desire to pull me away from the faith that I know to be true.

Blessings and love to all... and if you're interested in reading a good story about resisting both the spiritual evil and worldly evil we are faced with, check out my first novel.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

When Do You Give Up?

 Well, here we are...July 3, 2012 and I don't feel like celebrating tomorrow's remembrance of our Declaration of Independence. This past Tuesday the SCOTUS created the Declaration of Dependence. We now must depend on our government for our whole lives. We have allowed the corrupt men and women of the world to usurp our precious Constitution and turn us into a socialist mess.

I wonder when is it time to give up? When is it time to quit fighting? ...and I've come to the conclusion that the time to quit is when you are dead. We still have the right to speak. We still have the right to protest. We still have the right to vote. Will it make a difference? Who knows. All I know is that we have something so special that it's worth fighting for. 

It's not a matter of healthcare. It's not a matter of semantics. It's not a matter of Republican vs. Democrat or Conservative vs. liberal/progressive. It's a matter of a Supreme Court has just said that the Congress can tax people for something they haven't bought or don't want to buy. It's basically saying that if you don't do what the government says is best for you, then you will lose your hard earned money. They can now take your property simply because you live. We now have one third of the government (Supreme Court) giving their power to another third (Congress), and that third has already given most of their power to the final third (President). It equals a dictatorship lead by Barak Obama.

Now they're trying to sell us on the fact that Mitt Romney will save us by getting rid of Obamacare. I ask, "really?" So when we get rid of Obamacare it will be replaced with another government healthcare program, governed by Mitt Romney. Can we all do cartwheels? So what? One dictator becomes another dictator and so on and so forth, and the unlearned citizenry believe they have freedom. However, things given are not free, they are shackles binding you to the one who gives it. We have become a nation of takers, and those of us left who desire to stand and keep our Constitution are so splintered into separate groups that winning will be a daunting task. 

So, I say if we want to keep our country with any semblance of what it was created for we will have to come together and put aside our differences. Otherwise we will be no better than the middle east...switching from one bad leader to another bad leader with no set goal. Our Constitution is the greatest human document ever created. It gives people the individual freedom to rise or fall on their own terms; it does not promise equal outcome only equal opportunity and that is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We should be happy for those who do well and strive to do as well, but to be happy where we are because all the wealth in the world, all the possession, all the "free" stuff means nothing without freedom and without the pride of earning it yourself.

If you're TEA (Taxed Enough Already) it's time to stand. It's time to resist. Fight the good fight of faith and of country. May God bless you and keep you. Happy 4th of July to those who are celebrating. Remember what it was about and decide are you with our founding fathers or are you with the "King"?