Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In the USA today we have gotten our liberties upside down, back to front, and inside out. Instead of people being free to worship as they please (peaceably) pastors are being put in jail for having bible studies, Christians are being arrested for praying in public, our religious history is being boxed up and hidden away from the public square, and churches are being forced to provide services against their beliefs, while Islamicists are allowed to bring Sharia Law into our society, atheists re-write our history and destroy all vestiges of God in the public square, and progressives force people of faith to pay for things that go against their beliefs. (Inside Out)
TEA party rally organizers are expected to jump through hoops to assemble peaceably, while Occupy Wall-streeters are allowed to break laws, attack police, and cause mayhem without hardly any opposition. Those who wish to follow the law are condemned and punished while law breakers are held up as heros. (Upside Down)
Conservative voices in the media and press are attacked and tried to be stifled with things like the "fairness doctrine" and labeling certain speech as "hate speech", while progressive media and press routinely use foul language, libelous and slanderous speech, and whatever they please to put forth their propaganda. I know both sides put forth propaganda, but our Bill of Rights was set up so that BOTH sides got heard and the people could decide. As it is now, the left has free range and the right takes their very freedom in their hands. (Back to Front)
Free Speech is being affected too by the influx of Political Correctness. Free speech was set up for the individual citizen to speak out. In our world today though, the only people allowed to speak freely are those who agree with the current wave of progressive speech. Instead of allowing people to have their own opinions we have become a Borg-like (A Borg is a collective proper noun for a fictional group of people in the productions of the science fiction series Star Trek. The Borg are a collection of species that have turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones of the collective the hive, pseudo-race, dwelling in the Star Trek universe. The Borg take other species by force into the collective and connect them to "the hive mind"; the act is called assimilation entails violence, abductions, and injections of cybernetic implants. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection" quote from Wikepedia) Society. We have become all about indoctrination:our children are taught that they are the future and know better than their parents. We have raised a generation of people to believe that everyone needs to be like everyone else. Free thought is no longer encouraged or desired...we have become so connected to "society" that we are losing our individualism. ...bringing me back to our loss of free speech.
It used to be that people of differing views could respectfully dialogue, share their ideas, and either come to a consensus or agree to disagree, but in today's world we no longer like respectful dialogue; we don't share ideas we tell people what they should think; and we don't want to find consensus and those who disagree are morons or pick any other name. We have allowed the elites (democrats, republicans and independents) to decide how we should live and think, and they have taken that ball and run with it. We have given up so much of our power to the "ruling elite" that we are almost back to where we began: a group of peasants ruled by a King and his court.
Call me a tin foil hat or a kook or any other name, but with the plans being put in place, and already in place, government will be able to tell us where to live (sustainable development), what and how much we can drive (we're already seeing it...gas, road, and mileage taxes), what we can eat (sustainable farming), etc., etc. There is a document called "UN Agenda 21" that actually spells out the whole plan. "Sustainable" is the rallying cry, "class warfare" is their battle plan, and "redistribution of wealth" is their end game (with the elites at the top having everything they wish...provided by the slaves--oops I mean citizens).
Are we going to sit by and allow this to happen? Are we going to stop buying products not because of discrimination against patrons but because of a single person's thoughts about behaviour? Are we going to change our speech or behaviour because "society" tells us it's bad (even if we know it's not)? Are we going to give in and give up our freedoms for unrealistic "safety" or "peace"? The choice is ours. We can resist or we can become slaves. What will you choose?
For a good fictional account of what could happen with the implementation of UN Agenda 21 and peoples trust in government for their livelyhood and "safety" check out my book, Resistance, The Revelations.
Blessings, peace, and hopefully freedom to you!