Friday, July 20, 2012

Gun Violence: Who's to Blame?

 Early this morning we once again saw a deranged person shoot up a highly populated area: a movie theater. Who is the first person to get blamed? --The shooter? No. The blame is first on the Gun (LOL), then Rush Limbaugh, and of course the TEA party. Wow! Is anyone surprised? 

Perhaps the gunman should be the one to blame. I don't care if he is crazy or sane, the point is HE got the guns and gas, and started a rampage. Did the guns jump up and start shootin'? Did the gas just start fuming? No! James Holmes used the gun and the gas. James Holmes is to blame.

Now, we've got the lefty loons blaming the TEA party (surprise!) and of course Rush Limbaugh because he mentioned the connections between the character Baine and Bane Capital...ooooohhhh! sinister. However, when we look into the back ground of the actual shooter we see he could be an OCCUPIER.  Can't be sure this is the same guy, but Check out the link here: TEA Party or Occupy: Who is the more dangerous? 

Now should we blame the occupy movement? No, we should blame James Holmes. Whether he got the idea to shoot from the OWS movement or from voices in his head (no I'm not saying that, just putting out ideas) it was he who shot. James Holmes is responsible. Look into the OWS and the TEA party and see which one supports violence, though, I think you'll see where his ideology came from.

 Now, to the real point behind this. We know the left will be using this to try and ban guns. It is amazing how this happened only a week before the UN Small Arms Treaty is to be signed. Hmmmm....the conspiracy theorist in me jumps to the surface. As Americans we need to hold firm to our second amendment rights. Our founders, who flew this flag when fighting England back during the Revolutionary War, knew the importance of guns to protect the citizenry from the government (and psyco-people who choose to misuse guns). We need to remember the battle cry "Don't Tread On Me"! Don't let this tragedy be a beacon for anti gun right people to rally behind. Make the point that if someone in the theater (much like if someone at Columbine High School) had a weapon the damage probably would have been much less or  not at all. The slogan "guns don't kill people; people kill people" is true. Because if this young man had simply brought those guns and gas into the theater and left them nothing would have happened because inanimate objects cannot do anything without aid.

Now, listen to this now famous quote from Rahm Emmanuel:
(I have no claim over this quote or video. This is a Youtube post) Never let a good crisis go to waste

Progressives know how to use a good crisis. Watch them use this tragedy for their gun grabbing scheme and don't let them do it. If you give up your rights to defend yourself you will make Thomas Jefferson's quote above come true. ...and remember you may like the President who implements a plan, but eventually the other guy will get in and control it. Never give up your rights...ever.

Remember, in America we believe our rights are GOD GIVEN. Pray for America to return to the God who has blessed us beyond all measure. Trust in God, not in government!


Blessings and love to all those who lost loved ones in Aurora, Colorado and all those affected by this horrible crime.

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