Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Mysterious Garden: Destruction


Hello fellow garden enthusiasts, lovers of personal property rights, and trolls. The snow has finally melted and I had a day to spend clearing another part of the garden. It is a flower bed that had been overgrown with periwinkle, aka vinca vine. I personally LOVE periwinkle in a flower bed, but since it vines, I had to cut it way back and pull a bunch of it out to satisfy the "tidy police" that are in charge of the looks. Also in the bed was a overflowing mess of soil from flower pots, some fallen branches and garden clutter that had been tossed into the bed while a mass clean out of "complaint driven 'trash'" was removed from other parts of the yard late last year. It was a task that took about 4 hours from beginning to clean-up. One of the most disgusting parts of the clean up had to do with cigarette butts thrown into the garden from the very neighbors that complained about litter...ironic, no?

I spent my time clearing dirt and debris, also breaking off branches from a broken pussy willow tree that were invading the space. After all was said and done, I had found some wonderful treasures (at least what I think are treasures) and placed them in the now open space.

I know some people will see these things as litter or trash...things that need to be put away if not used, but who is to say what is garden art and what is trash? I happen to love broken pots scattered around an area, waiting for sedum or rock plants to grow out of them. The old water pump handle is now sitting next to to bucket looking like it's waiting to be used. Why do people think they have the right to tell others what is trash and what is not? Here is the end result of my work that day. Notice that you can see the rock wall at the base of the garden...sadly you can see all the way through to the back of the crumbling building. As we plant and rejuvenate this area I will post new pictures. However, the town has already sent their list of what needs taken care of...namely most of the broken pots have to be moved...why? They will be used, they may just be there as a decoration that we like. How do they hurt anyone? I really just do not understand. So while we have been working, and will continue to work at cleaning up the garden I do not believe it will ever be enough for the complainers. You can walk through it now and see the ground, see the buildings on all sides, etc. It's a garden, a work in progress. It will change as the year and years go by. We will follow the "rules" and get signed off on this but no one will ever convince me that this is not harassment by people using the government. There is no danger in this garden and no nuisance I can see, unless nuisance means that someone doesn't like how it looks. In that case I would like the town of Strasburg to remove all the horrid modern murals disgracing our historic down town...but then again, we were all told to deal with that nuisance. Ah well. Here are pictures of the work that has been done. You decide if it's a danger to the health and welfare of the town. Does it really need anymore destruction?

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