Sorry for missing last week's blog (but hey, who really noticed). I was out trimming back bushes and plants while it was warm out and was just too tired to write when I came in for the evening. But today I am back, trying to keep my promise to write once a week...I guess you could say that I fell off the wagon last week. 😁
Today I had a nice visit with an author friend, Jay Foreman--writer of comedy and children's books. He is one of my biggest fans and is always an encouragement to my writing journey. We are hoping to have a "book-con" once the Covid nonsense is over, so planning is a labor or love for us. We're hoping to have people dress in costumes of favourite characters, writer panels, discussions with authors, and of course book sales. It's something we've been talking about for a couple of years and hopefully will see come to fruition soon!
So many ideas have been churning in my head for writing ideas. Of course there's the next book series, but also some short stories and maybe even a children's series--something Jay could help me with. My problem really lies with getting to work. Most authors will say they have writers block, and I have experienced that, but what I'm feeling is more like writers enthusiasm. The stories are there waiting to be written, and if I sat down to do it they would come flowing out, but I just can't find the motivation to start the process. Maybe it's because it's spring and I'm getting ready for planting the gardens, maybe it's the cancel culture which has stripped out a lot of the joy of sharing stories with others, maybe it's pure laziness, I just am not sure.
I'd like to teach again...a writing course or how to publish, even a grammar course for children would be fun. I think the art of free thinking and learning to question would be a great class as well. Having a group art class or nature/gardening class would be doable too. But how does one go about it? I just have really no idea. Hmmm, maybe it's just the time of my life when a wander lust of the brain is beginning.
My biggest problem is that I really don't like being around large groups of people anymore. The tightrope of walking the line of "I don't give a crap" and "I don't want to offend" is exhausting and honestly not enjoyable. I miss the days when folks could sit and have discussions and debates without worrying about hurting someone's feelings. When you could say something offensive by accident and be corrected instead of being attacked. The world has changed so much in the past year, that it's basically unrecognizable, and honestly I don't like it.
"Wokeism" is destroying communication, life experience, and basic happiness. How can one be a writer when free speech is non existent and life experience consists of hiding away in your home or behind a mask. Not being able to meet freely to exercise your rights, but having to "Zoom" everything. No personal contact. I weep watching children being fed a load of fear and hiding behind masks under the guise of "loving others." It's nothing more than the enslaving of a whole generation and it makes me mad, and so many people have just accepted it that there's not left to do.
Every day I watch my country slipping farther away into nothing. I see freedom so hard fought for being binned without so much as regret. I see hopelessness everywhere, and people not even realizing it. My heart is breaking over and over as I imagine the life my grand daughter will have (or not have as it is). Perhaps the disillusionment will spur me to write. To once again get my frustrations out through pen and paper (or keyboard and word processor). I think putting my thoughts into this public blog has helped spur me to write again. For me, writing is cathartic and I think it's time for a bit of word therapy.
Thanks for taking the time to read my scribblings, it's amazing how putting thoughts to paper opens doors. Have a great week. Who knows, maybe next week's blog will be an update on my WIP (Works In Progress).
God bless you all, and check out Resistance before it gets cancelled.
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