Okay. Today I am going to hit a topic that could get me in trouble with white and black people, but I feel very strongly about it seeing as my local town council (all white folks BTW) have made a proclamation about it, so here I go...Juneteenth, a day celebrated by Texans (until last year when the rest of the USA learned about it) to remember when enslaved peoples learned about the Emancipation Proclamation and were "granted" freedom. Now it has become a rallying cry for white folks with white guilt to make like they are super people for declaring black folks are free. What the serious hell?...
I have had many black friends over the years and known many black people from all stations in life and have never thought to myself, "you know what would be really great? If somehow white people would really TALK about how we need to acknowledge black people's accomplishments in our country." I have also never known a black person who felt the need to be justified in their existence by white people. I mean all this recent white folks jumping on the BLM bandwagon, and the white guilt/privilege bandwagon is a joke. I'm here to tell people that black folks do NOT need white folks to tell them they are "special" or "great" or that they deserve freedom. Black folks already know this.
Just because modern white liberals have decided that with all their privilege that they somehow need to make up for their ancestors past mistakes does not mean that they should. I am DISGUSTED at how liberals (of all colours) treat the average black person (and other people of non white, whatever colour that may be, colour). How DARE liberals feel that they have to put hard working black folks into a box and tell them that they are and have been beaten down, and that there is systemic racism everywhere? Bull sh*t!. Have black and brown folks been treated differently? Sure, in some instances yes. Is it right? Hell NO it is not. But it is not "systemic" it is bias...and bias is different from racism. If it were about race, why are conservative black people attacked by these same "concerned" liberals for not being willing to be victims or their narrative?
People love to use statistics to push this agenda. Truth is more unarmed white men are shot and killed by police than black men. More white men are in prison then black men... now that's when statistics come into play. The percentage of black people is higher than white people in jail nation wide so that negates the actual numbers...or does it? I don't think the white mother who lost her son is any less hurt than the black woman who lost her son. Police will treat lower class white folks pretty badly too. In small towns the local "bad boys" will be tagged because of their families, not actual behaviours. Is that any less bad? Being targeted because of who people or police perceive you to be? Police reform should be more than just colour based. Societal and police bias are not reserved for a colour group. I mean if we're going to go by statistics and percentages, I would like to know since over half the population is female then why aren't half of the people in jail or shot by police women? I mean doesn't that make police sexists, since they don't arrest and shoot more women? Do you see the flaws in using statistics and percentages? It's all to divide us, because when we're divided the "bad guys" can control us...making the whole of society slaves to the political elite machine. God help them if we ever came back together and stood up to their evil plots to control us all.
I have always hated the idea of slavery. When we learned about it in school, I never understood how anyone could think of other humans as somehow less or like animals. I still to this day do not understand hating someone because of what they look like. And I DO NOT understand why people who have never and would never own another person (black or white) would feel guilt about someone else doing it in the past. I am so very tired of White people with guilt trying to make the past better. You cannot make the past better. Whatever evils happened, happened. The way to make it better is to not repeat those mistakes. To not make another race feel inferior when they are not. Like it or not these well meaning white liberals have created victims because of the idea of victimhood. They have, by their very guilt, become racist. They see a black person and immediately see victim. They see a black person and immediately feel like they need to help them. Why? HELLLOOO, black people do not need white people to save them. Black people do not need liberals or government to save them. What they (and everyone) needs if for liberals and government to leave them alone. Quit telling them that they can't learn. Quit telling them that they can't get jobs or get in college. Quit telling them that they are criminals. Things like a Juneteenth proclamation seem great. But what do they do? They make white people with white guilt feel like they are doing something for the "poor little black folks."
How about, instead of proclamations and hyperbolic symbolism, you just treat everyone like they are human and capable. No one needs your liberal privilege. All people need is for you to shut up, go away, and let them live. I am white. I do not hate black people or people of other races. I don't really hate anyone. I would say I dislike leftist liberals, but that is based on their behaviour not anything visible by looking. I believe that everyone matters. But until we change the narrative from this group or that group the only thing that will matter is who is pulling the strings, and do any of us matter to them? Does anyone really matter anymore? Leave me a comment.
We're at a point where treating people the same regardless of race or ethnicity is in itself considered racist. I'm afraid it's going to be a while before we can overcome the toxic Woke narrative that is the current fad.