Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Here it is, 3:45 in the morning and I have woken from a fitful sleep, wondering why some people feel the need to destroy other people. Wondering where in the world empathy has gone for people who work hard and no matter what they do cannot get ahead. I wonder how people can call themselves "good" and claim to want what's best for their town and businesses while purposefully working to destroy certain businesses. Yes, that has been the example of the town I live in.

I don't know why I'm surprised. I'm one of those people who is stupid enough to believe that "maybe this time right will win." "Maybe if I use the law and make a good faith effort, THIS time good will triumph." And EVERY time I am let down. I should know better by now, but I keep going back only to be disappointed. Why won't I learn? Why even bother when the people who have the power simply don't care?

We truly are nothing more than slaves to our government. They set the rules and if they decide you have to go, they will find a way. I understand the lawlessness in the US now. Why follow the laws when the laws are unfairly applied? It's not just to do with being black or gay or a woman or other minority. The unfair application of the law crosses all boundaries. White men get the shaft as well. It really comes down to those that are deemed to be less important or without the means to fight back that get abused. 

Perhaps if we quit fighting government based on our minority status and joined together based on our disenfranchised status change could be made. The powers that be know that if you don't have the money for lawyers to fight back, they can do whatever they want. They can create rules to destroy you while not enforcing them against others. Basically picking out sacrificial lambs to show their "power" to keep the others in line. As long as we allow them to put us in boxes and fight in our little cage of how we are defined the evil goes on...and that is where we are.

One day everyone will stand before God, and these "good" people will answer for all the little guys they stomped on. One day God will say to them, "Yeah, I know you helped those folks who made you look good, but what about this one person who came to you asking for help and you just pushed them into the dirt? That was the challenge I put before you and you failed. You used my name in vain...your faith was in yourself not me...depart from me for I never knew you." The day of reckoning is going to be quite surprising to many people.

As always I simply say, "Come Lord Jesus...even so come quickly!"

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