Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Here it is, 3:45 in the morning and I have woken from a fitful sleep, wondering why some people feel the need to destroy other people. Wondering where in the world empathy has gone for people who work hard and no matter what they do cannot get ahead. I wonder how people can call themselves "good" and claim to want what's best for their town and businesses while purposefully working to destroy certain businesses. Yes, that has been the example of the town I live in.

I don't know why I'm surprised. I'm one of those people who is stupid enough to believe that "maybe this time right will win." "Maybe if I use the law and make a good faith effort, THIS time good will triumph." And EVERY time I am let down. I should know better by now, but I keep going back only to be disappointed. Why won't I learn? Why even bother when the people who have the power simply don't care?

We truly are nothing more than slaves to our government. They set the rules and if they decide you have to go, they will find a way. I understand the lawlessness in the US now. Why follow the laws when the laws are unfairly applied? It's not just to do with being black or gay or a woman or other minority. The unfair application of the law crosses all boundaries. White men get the shaft as well. It really comes down to those that are deemed to be less important or without the means to fight back that get abused. 

Perhaps if we quit fighting government based on our minority status and joined together based on our disenfranchised status change could be made. The powers that be know that if you don't have the money for lawyers to fight back, they can do whatever they want. They can create rules to destroy you while not enforcing them against others. Basically picking out sacrificial lambs to show their "power" to keep the others in line. As long as we allow them to put us in boxes and fight in our little cage of how we are defined the evil goes on...and that is where we are.

One day everyone will stand before God, and these "good" people will answer for all the little guys they stomped on. One day God will say to them, "Yeah, I know you helped those folks who made you look good, but what about this one person who came to you asking for help and you just pushed them into the dirt? That was the challenge I put before you and you failed. You used my name in vain...your faith was in yourself not me...depart from me for I never knew you." The day of reckoning is going to be quite surprising to many people.

As always I simply say, "Come Lord Jesus...even so come quickly!"

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Today I'm putting on my advocate hat and writing an appeal for some friends. My mind goes back 7 years to when I first met them discussing the passage of the UDO in town. Through all those years I have watched them be verbally attacked, lied to, used, thrown away, lied about, and bullied...and through it all they kept soldiering on. They kept trying to make money to pay their bills. They kept trying to do a little everywhere that they could. They did not try and ignore the rules, they always tried to comply, even though people lied about them and said they didn't. Every time they started getting ahead another attack would come, both spiritual and worldly.

I don't understand the hatred that a few have for these people...and it is hatred, but I have seen the effects it has had on their physical and mental health, and it's not been positive. Through it all they still tried to lift up businesses in town and events in town, something I find amazing because all I want to do is bring them all down and make them SEE and FEEL what they have done to these people that I love. So, we will continue on and fight in the legal arena this time, something that we have never been given the opportunity to do before. A chance to set the record straight.

As I've been outlining my case and thinking, thinking, thinking, it has struck me that most of the problems come (from both sides) about the past: Hurts and betrayals (real or imagined) from the past. I'm hoping that this time, following the process, we can start to look to the future and put the past in the back. After all, what is the future? The future is what we do now. NOW is what needs to be focused on. Maybe if we all started focusing on the now instead of the past (not lessons learned but living there) great things could occur. Just my thoughts this morning. Let's all start focusing on the NOW. The past is gone, the future is not assured, what we do now and how we treat people now is what matters.

Friday, October 8, 2021


Well, another week has come and gone and I don't see much joy around. It's not just the loss of my husband, but the loss of everything we hold dear. Ryan loved America and we fought against the evil of communism in the Airforce. Maybe it's good that he's not here to be forced to take a vaccine or lose the ability to provide for his family. Maybe it's good that he's not here to see his sons forced to make a decision to capitulate or lose their livelihoods. Maybe it's good that he's not here to see the eventual forcing of our grand daughter to become a communist. Something we spent our whole youth fighting. Maybe it's good that he doesn't have to watch the destruction of our nation to a bunch of moronic, losers who don't know the difference between men and women, good and evil, right and wrong. I just don't know anymore.

I know that I miss him. I miss having him to talk about my feelings and my fears. I miss having him to give me a hug and assure me that we're in this together. I miss that we can't sit an have a cup of coffee together and talk about the old days. I miss having the few hours of time together walking in nature enjoying the critters and plants...pretty much the only times we could ignore the evils in the world and the loss of freedom we both saw coming.

Everyday, I have to go and change an account with his name on it. I have to remove his things from the house. I have to learn new skills that he always took care of before. Even though he lives in so many people's memories, it feels like I'm erasing him from existence. I know it's not so, just taking his name off mindless government mandated paperwork, but it causes me a lot of sadness. 

Resistance feel futile these days. Of course I will always continue to resist tyranny. I will speak out in truth until I cannot anymore, but as has been the case in most instances I have stood up for others, the people who say they'll stand by you fade into the distance. Every time someone goes along with a government mandate we lose freedom. Every time someone makes a decision based on fear instead of logic we lose freedom. Every time someone says, "we'll go along just so we can get back to normal," we lose freedom. 

Maybe the death of Ryan has made my sense of loss more keen. Maybe it's just sadness that keeps me

from seeing any good. But I do not. Loss is everywhere, and while I know in the end good will win, because Jesus will return and put an end to the evil of this present darkness, watching the fall of our civilization is painful. Watching so many choosing the path to hell is painful.

Sorry for the negativity of this blog, I know we're all supposed to be light and sunshine and uplifting, but maybe there are others who feel this way. Maybe knowing someone else feels the hopelessness, BUT has an eternal hope for salvation will bring someone to the peace that passes understanding. That peace comes from Jesus Christ. I know that there is nothing I can do to change what will be, I can only do what I can now to help as many as I can with the truth, because honestly the only thing left is the truth.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Life Goes On


Hello my adoring fans. 😎 I am sorry to have been away for so long, but sadly in the beginning of July I lost my husband of 31 years. The doctors aren't sure what happened to him...kind of a perfect storm of strangeness...no Covid however. Needless to say, I have been dealing with after death processes and grief that comes in waves. I never knew I could miss someone so profoundly, or feel so alone while being surrounded by so many people who love me still.

Ryan was one in a million. I know people say that, but he truly was, at home and at work. I have received such insights about Ryan from those he worked with and been blessed with the affirmation of how much he loved me and my boys, and of course our grand daughter. He did a little bit of everything at his job, and considering no one thought he would be gone so suddenly a huge hole of loss of knowledge opened wide. I can't go into all of what he did, considering I don't even know fully, but I know that he had such vast experience and knowledge from all he did that his loss is felt by those at work close to my own.

However, Ryan was not just my husband, he was my very best friend. Someone I could talk with about almost anything. Someone that would enrage me (as I did him) and still love and cherish and forgive always. We weren't the kind of couple that had to spend every hour together. In fact after he'd come home from work, we'd eat dinner and maybe watch a television show we recorded and then he'd go upstairs to our room or his office and have alone time. On the weekends he usually cooked dinner (and was an excellent chef.) We would sit in the sunroom in the mornings for an hour or so watching the birds and critters before we'd go our separate ways to do whatever needed doing, me usually gardening and him usually computing or watching something on the telly. Then there were the days we'd go out to the arboretum or for a walk. Those were such great times. Just walking and chatting or simply enjoying nature. He was and is and always will be my best friend ever.

Now, I sit and look out at the critters and birds and remember him. I think about how much he'd enjoy watching the new baby bunny or the red-wing black bird that came to visit. When I watch a show that we'd enjoyed together, I think about him in the jokes or the bad acting or the bad or good cooks. Sometimes I'll just be sitting and want to go upstairs and get a hug, then I remember he's not there anymore. I'll want to talk about something with him, but he's not there anymore. All the financial decisions we used to discuss together now fall singly to me. And stangely enough I cannot mow the lawn without crying. Ryan always brought me some water half way through the yard, and he always sharpened the blades and maintained the engines. Now those are things I have to do...and not that I'm not able to do them, but the symbiosis we had was just special...and I miss sharing all the little things with him.

As I sit here typing there are tears streaming down my cheeks. He always supported my writing...even said that once my books were best sellers he'd retire and live off my earnings. LOL. I think he honestly meant that. So, as the first two months of life alone draw to a close, I look back on how wonderful the first 50 years of my life have been and don't know what the next few hold. I will continue to write. I will continue to tend my gardens (and create some new ones in his honor). I will continue to be bold and a bit obnoxious about the world. I will continue to hold to my faith in the one true God and wait for the day I will see him again in heaven. It's hard to believe that life can go on after the loss of someone so special, but it does. I have my sons, grandaughter, parents, in-laws, and friends to care for and be cared for by. And of course I have my wonderful fans and those just reading my scribblings to keep entertained with my ramblings.

Remember always to resist the devil and his minions and they will flee from you. We battle against them constantly, but in the end Jesus Christ has already won. Fight the good fight for we already know who has won the battle for mankind's soul. Resistance

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Writers Block

 Hi dear fans. Today is just a quick sharing moment. What do I do when I have writer's block (or as I call it writer's procrastination.)? Of course, I bake some pies. My grandma Glawe made a pineapple rhubarb pie that was/is to die for! So I thought I'd share this wonderful recipe. It makes two 9" double crust pies...or you can use the filling for any of your favourite baked goods. Hope you enjoy it as much as I always have! 

obvious crust issue, but flakey nonetheless

See all that lovely rhubarb?

2 eggs

2 cups white sugar

20 oz can CRUSHED pineapple not drained

2 cups rhubarb chopped

6 Table spoons flour

pie crusts (top and bottom)

Mix all ingredients together. Put into crust. Bake 425^ F for 10 minutes. Lower to 350^ F for 35 mins. Cool completely on wire racks. Enjoy plain or with vanilla ice-cream!

And if you'd like a good novel series to read while enjoying the pie check out the RESISTANCE series!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Juneteenth...White Guilt on Display

 Okay. Today I am going to hit a topic that could get me in trouble with white and black people, but I feel very strongly about it seeing as my local town council (all white folks BTW) have made a proclamation about it, so here I go...Juneteenth, a day celebrated by Texans (until last year when the rest of the USA learned about it) to remember when enslaved peoples learned about the Emancipation Proclamation and were "granted" freedom.  Now it has become a rallying cry for white folks with white guilt to make like they are super people for declaring black folks are free. What the serious hell?...

I have had many black friends over the years and known many black people from all stations in life and have never thought to myself, "you know what would be really great? If somehow white people would really TALK about how we need to acknowledge black people's accomplishments in our country." I have also never known a black person who felt the need to be justified in their existence by white people. I mean all this recent white folks jumping on the BLM bandwagon, and the white guilt/privilege bandwagon is a joke. I'm here to tell people that black folks do NOT need white folks to tell them they are "special" or "great" or that they deserve freedom. Black folks already know this.

Just because modern white liberals have decided that with all their privilege that they somehow need to make up for their ancestors past mistakes does not mean that they should. I am DISGUSTED at how liberals (of all colours) treat the average black person (and other people of non white, whatever colour that may be, colour). How DARE liberals feel that they have to put hard working black folks into a box and tell them that they are and have been beaten down, and that there is systemic racism everywhere? Bull sh*t!. Have black and brown folks been treated differently? Sure, in some instances yes. Is it right? Hell NO it is not. But it is not "systemic" it is bias...and bias is different from racism. If it were about race, why are conservative black people attacked by these same "concerned" liberals for not being willing to be victims or their narrative?

People love to use statistics to push this agenda. Truth is more unarmed white men are shot and killed by police than black men. More white men are in prison then black men... now that's when statistics come into play. The percentage of black people is higher than white people in jail nation wide so that negates the actual numbers...or does it? I don't think the white mother who lost her son is any less hurt than the black woman who lost her son. Police will treat lower class white folks pretty badly too. In small towns the local "bad boys" will be tagged because of their families, not actual behaviours. Is that any less bad? Being targeted because of who people or police perceive you to be? Police reform should be more than just colour based. Societal and police bias are not reserved for a colour group. I mean if we're going to go by statistics and percentages, I would like to know since over half the population is female then why aren't half of the people in jail or shot by police women? I mean doesn't that make police sexists, since they don't arrest and shoot more women? Do you see the flaws in using statistics and percentages? It's all to divide us, because when we're divided the "bad guys" can control us...making the whole of society slaves to the political elite machine. God help them if we ever came back together and stood up to their evil plots to control us all.

I have always hated the idea of slavery. When we learned about it in school, I never understood how anyone could think of other humans as somehow less or like animals. I still to this day do not understand hating someone because of what they look like. And I DO NOT understand why people who have never and would never own another person (black or white) would feel guilt about someone else doing it in the past. I am so very tired of White people with guilt trying to make the past better. You cannot make the past better. Whatever evils happened, happened. The way to make it better is to not repeat those mistakes. To not make another race feel inferior when they are not. Like it or not these well meaning white liberals have created victims because of the idea of victimhood. They have, by their very guilt, become racist. They see a black person and immediately see victim. They see a black person and immediately feel like they need to help them. Why? HELLLOOO, black people do not need white people to save them. Black people do not need liberals or government to save them. What they (and everyone) needs if for liberals and government to leave them alone. Quit telling them that they can't learn. Quit telling them that they can't get jobs or get in college. Quit telling them that they are criminals. Things like a Juneteenth proclamation seem great. But what do they do? They make white people with white guilt feel like they are doing something for the "poor little black folks." 

How about, instead of proclamations and hyperbolic symbolism, you just treat everyone like they are human and capable. No one needs your liberal privilege. All people need is for you to shut up, go away, and let them live. I am white. I do not hate black people or people of other races. I don't really hate anyone. I would say I dislike leftist liberals, but that is based on their behaviour not anything visible by looking. I believe that everyone matters. But until we change the narrative from this group or that group the only thing that will matter is who is pulling the strings, and do any of us matter to them? Does anyone really matter anymore? Leave me a comment.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A Long Ramble

 Hi. It's been two weeks since I've visited the blog...no so much because I had nothing to say, but because I had so much to say, but couldn't figure out how to write it. I also had my youngest son home, getting out of the Navy and finding a new job...which he did within two weeks of looking. However, the job was in Florida, so I spent the better part of that time helping him figure out how to move his stuff (which had just been delivered to our home.) A quick trip to Florida with a full van and full car got him moved into his new abode. So, once again, I have a bit of empty nest syndrome. Thankfully my other son lives nearby so I get to see him and my grand daughter regularly. Blessings abound in my life...thanks be to God.

Anyhow, my thoughts are still swirling, and while my personal world is rolling along, same as always, the world at large is getting crazier and crazier. Sadly, I fear soon it's complete disfunction will begin affecting my little world. I sit by and watch all that was good in my upbringing being torn away. Where once we tried to see past race and look at a person's heart, today all that matters is the colour of someone's skin. And past evils are being brought forth as if they just happened yesterday, instead of in the past having had lessons learned. The hatred I see being spouted from the President and left of this country is astounding. It used to be small pockets of haters would spew their rhetoric and be shut down quickly by society, but now, it seems that everywhere is someone crying racism, racism, racism and "woke" society is clamouring to embrace it. It's as if Charles Manson's dream is finally coming to pass. It makes me want to scream...but what is the point? 

The human condition seems to be, once we get close to love, equality, and freedom, we have to screw it up. Living comfortably and safely makes the newer generations feel threatened. They create chaos when there doesn't need to be any. Why? Why not take whatever "privilege" you think you have and actually go help those you see as oppressed? Why not work to fix the wrongs you perceive? Give up your college spot to someone you feel deserves it more. Give up your job to someone you feel has been wronged. Give your house or apartment to those you feel have been disenfranchised. How does beating people or making people feel that they are oppressed help them? How does burning down hard working people's stores and homes help anyone? If giving money to people helped get them out of poverty, the United States and the rest of the Western world would have no poverty. If giving opportunities for free education made people smarter the United States and the rest of the Western world would have no unedcuated people. We spend more on welfare and education and yet NO ONE can make the people embrace it. Give people money, why would they work for it? Obviously free education is useless as so many of our young folks can't read or write well, and well, once you say mathematics (the one thing that is only factual) is racist and needs to change it's obvious that education is not the goal. 

You can give opportunities to everyone, but that does not mean they will embrace it or run with it. Our human nature seems to be do the least and desire the most. You want to be filthy rich? Well, you have to work long hours. You have to miss the kids sports and anniversaries. You'll have to miss date nights and vacations. Happily, most people do not want to make the sacrifices necessary to get rich. People are putting family first, and like it or not, if you don't work you should not get paid. You want to take time off to raise that family, then you sacrifice. You do without. That is why God (and yes I believe in Yahweh, the one true God) created men and women to get married and have children. It's not so the man can lord it over the woman, but so that ONE parent could do the work in the home and one parent could do the work to afford the home. It's why community is supposed to be about supporting each other, and not just looking out for one group or another and disregarding those you don't like. If we had less single family homes (yeah, I said it) and more desire to work through problems instead of putting our SELF first and just throwing away what is hard it would be better. A family CAN live on one income if they sacrifice...if the family is mum, dad, and kids (and extended family or community if extended family is not around). 

But we have become a nation and world of government being the one who takes care of everything. Dad wants to leave? The government will give the money to exist. Mum doesn't want dad around anymore? Government will give the money to exist. But do we only want to exist? Do we want our children growing up being tossed between parents? Do we want our children having a new parent come into their lives only to have them thrown away later when it doesn't "work"? There is nothing to bind families together anymore. Selfishness is pretty much all I see around society. Me-ism is going to be the downfall of the West. Perhaps that is what it was set up to do. Get to the point where individuality trumps everything else. Even groups who claim they want unity and community only want it if their personal desires are met, so the modern notion of unity and community is a fiction. 

I always believed my books COULD be a reality, but in my heart I hoped it really was conspiracy theory. I really hoped the past would not repeat itself, but here it is, bold as brass...in your face. We may not be in sustainable communities yet, but "sustainable development" is ruling every aspect of our lives, driven by the power brokers and oligarchs that have become the kings of the earth. And freedom, especially the kind Americans claim is non existent...a fairy-tale. I have watched the last year, people do things they did not believe in, so they could work...so they could shop. And now I'm watching people who do not want vaccines go ahead and get one because they want to work, or shop, or travel. Where is the freedom? People are slaves and don't even know it. This is why I wonder why I bother to blog...or write. Are people even able to see the truth anymore? Do they want to? Has love of self (otherwise known as self esteem) replaced freedom? I think it has. 

Well, enough rambling for today. Anyone who's reading I hope you resist the devil, and I hope you put your faith in God rather than your self. AND if you're bored and want a good book series to read, check out RESISTANCE . It's available to buy in softcover or ebook and if you have kindle unlimited you can simply download it for free. God bless. See you next week...if I'm feeling up to it.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Big Old Blah's


Hi. Sorry for my complacency with writing. I honestly just haven't been feeling it. I have been feeling depressed lately (feeling, not clinically). I used to have a natural fortress of solitude in my back garden. Now it's plagued by people who seem to care more about teaching their kids sports than about nature. Barking dogs when I just want a bit of peace in the garden. Native habitats cut down to make room for grass. I just don't get it. I feel like Tree Beard from LOTR...no one cares about growing things anymore. The wheels of industry turn and the rest is just in the way. *sigh* Neighbors that don't say hi or even acknowledge anyone else's existence. Also, my grand daughter will be going back to in-person learning next year, so I know she'll be getting the vaccine and being taught to be a sheep...follow the crowd, ignore common sense and science. It's all getting to be hard to find joy.

HOWEVER, I do find contentment in watching the birds and critters playing in the few trees left around. The garden is still green and nature still does it's thing. My friends are true and steadfast and my close family is a comfort in troubled days. There is always something to find joy in, but watching the decline of our civilization day by day saps my strength. Yes, I know there is nothing I can do about it...pray and stand firm in the truth. I know that God is in control and I do know the outcome, it's just overwhelming to watch.

Sorry for the lament...I just wanted to try and stay on track, and while people love to hear the positive thoughts of those of us who write, I think it's important to also share the times when we feel the hard things in life. I'm sure by the next time I write I will be in a better place, but for now I am simply resisting the urge to hide away. 

My favourite Psalm is number 27. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?...Wait for the LordBe strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Back on Track (at least for this week)

 Hi Everyone! Yes it is Monday and I'm actually writing a blog. It's been a really good weekend, so I figured I'd not procrastinate this week and get it done...how'd y'all like my poem last week? From the number of views I'll take it that it's not good! hahaha. Poetry has never been my forte. 😁

So here it is the last week in April and I've got most of my garden flowers in the ground and pots, and the tomatoes and peppers in the ground. This week I'll be putting in the peas and setting up the fencing for my bean plants. Most warm weather seeds don't go in "until the peony bushes (pronounced as "piney bushes" by the valley locals) bloom" (it's a Virginia saying, but it does seem to be a good rule of thumb).

Once the gardens are set, I will finally get down to working on some new projects. Obviously the new novel series, but also my children's stories. The Catkins are busy on adventures waiting to be immortalized in writing and the magical world of A'all has many magical happenings to regale hungry readers of fantasy. My mind is a-buzz with thoughts and plots and characters...thankfully digging in the dirt and planting makes my imagination soar!

Hopefully a book signing event will be in the works for the summer. I do miss chatting with folks about my novels and hearing feed-back from actual humans, not just texts and messages. I never intended to actually publish anything, it was friends who encouraged me to take to the publishing path...and my few fans appreciate it, which is the reason I continue to post this blog. I see a few people peek in from time to time. 

Hope you all have a great week. Always remember to RESIST the foolishness of the world and follow the truth!!!

Friday, April 23, 2021

I'm Here


I'm here.

Today is sunny.

The sun brings life.

Life is in the garden.

The garden is a place of magic.

Not the magic of the world, but the miracles of God.

Miracles make me feel magical.

Magical gardens are full of life.

Life is fueled by light.

Light shows truth.

The truth is...

I'm here.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

What is an Artist???

 Hi y'all! I'm a few days late, but I am keeping to my promise to blog once a week. It's funny how I started this blog to sell books (which I still hope to do), but I find the evolution of my newest blogging plan from my journey as a writer to all the other things I've discussed as refreshing. This week I'm going to share my thoughts on "art".

So many people consider art to be painting, drawing, and sculpting...some may consider writing an art, but what about architecture? What about development planners (business, housing, society)? And what about my thoughts for today...gardeners? Gardeners are most certainly artists. We start with a blank pallet or an over-whelming picture of too many colors and shapes that make no sense. 

When I first moved to my home (19 years ago) I made sure to keep the small wooded area behind the lawn in tact. HOWEVER, it was overgrown with vines and saplings and other growth. But I had a vision (one my husband could not see, but let me go about my business). I spent a few months clearing out the undergrowth with my lawnmower. FYI, lawnmower blades are powerful, but when they meet large stones and stumps and small trees they get very, VERY dull. I hope you have someone or the knowledge to replace the blade or sharpen it (my husband likes to use his Dremel on the blade). Anyway, after I had mowed down the growth, I had to kill off the poison ivy and poison oak, which had quite a foothold. A wonderful weed killer called "Brush Be Gone" (which you cannot buy anymore) took out those hard to kill vines and left me with a clear area full of cedar trees--lovely (or was it?)

With inspiration from a local arboretum, I decided to use the fallen trees we had cut up as path boarders, and put down weed barrier and pea gravel. Another helpful hint--don't use pea gravel on a path that get lots of water run off. Use a larger stone (which I realized after my pea gravel washed down into my neighbor's yard) which will hold up to erosion caused by rain. The pathway was and is beautiful, but I soon realized that the empty space had to be filled. If I had just left some of the native plants I wouldn't have had to buy things to fill it...but I did, most of which died due to the cedar trees sucking up all the water. Now the empty areas are filled with planters and columbine and periwinkle and a few native bushes that managed to replant. After 19 years it is lovely to enjoy as an outdoor room.

This week has been LOVELY weather, so instead of writing the blog, I chose to get out and do some digging to prepare the vegetable gardens. Yesterday I hand tilled the soil waiting for pea seeds (covered with metal mesh to keep the rascally squirrels from digging them up), and the larger lower garden area that will host beans and cucumbers and zucchinis this year. Thankfully I have a massive dandelion patch in the middle of the pea/tomato garden area which will serve as a walking path...and since bees love dandelions it will help with pollination. I look at my gardens and see art. The plans for architecture on which the vining plants will grow; the tomato area; the beans; and a future plan for large vining plants like watermellon and squash at the very bottom of the gardens where grass currently grows. 

Of course my many flower gardens are art, and this year I filled them with fairies that I painted twoweeks ago. As we've heard "art is in the eye of the beholder". Well, I think gardening is most definitely an art and to all my writer friends and other indoor professionals when you get out in the garden let it be your art...let it ignite your imagination and try different ideas. A garden is an empty pallet waiting to be painted and sculpted and written into existence. I think I do most of my imagining for my stories in the garden. And I hope this blog encourages you to enjoy the time you have, even if it's just pots with plants or rock gardens...let your imagination run wild and have fun with it all.

And while I know it's bad form to try and sell books all the time in blogs, it is my art. Writing pictures with words is my vocation, and I love it. I love sharing it. I love the world and characters that I have created and I hope you might want to purchase a copy and jump into the world I created. Have a blessed day and remember to always be the RESISITANCE to just existing...go out and LIVE!

Buy Books 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Government Created Crisis


This is an excerpt from my first novel, "Resistance, The Revelations." I published this in 2011, but the setting is 2020. Different vaccine, but same outcome? You decide. Enjoy.



Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of

darkness, but instead even expose them.

 – Ephesians 5:11


As a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally

 said to have a property in his rights. Where an excess of power

prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe

in his opinions, his person, his faculties or his possessions.

—James Madison




Dateline September 2020

Global News Network

Amanda Wright



oday the United Global Heath Administration (UGHA) has acknowledged a strange uptake in sterility cases among child bearing age women and men. According to administrative minister, Catherine Sunsteen, the epidemic seems to be related to complications from the H1N1 vaccines that were given ten years ago at the height of the swine flu scare of 2009. UGHA scientists are currently studying the problem.

Sunsteen stated, “While this is certainly sad for those women and men desiring children, this is actually a positive thing. We’ve over-populated the Earth for generations, and now perhaps, through this sad side effect, we can begin to keep the human population in check. This will be seen as a positive thing by future generations.”


     Short and to the point…exactly what any good reporter should do, Thought Amanda Wright, a statuesque, blonde, valley-girl. It was her first assignment for the new news organization, Global News Network (GNN), and she intended to give it her best shot. While writing news feeds for arrogant news anchors wasn’t her dream job, as a veteran, investigative journalist, it was a great honor to be chosen to be a part of the initial phase of the global press corp. Who would’ve thought after all the upheavals of the early part of the century that the world would actually mobilize as one united planet? A dream not shared by all, especially Americans and Middle Eastern Countries, but none-the-less a reality. After the fall of the American dollar and the collapse of western markets, not to mention the failed attempt at Islamic world rule, there really wasn’t anywhere to go except into global oneness.

     “Amanda! Hurry up and get that copy sent so we can get out of here,” called Rachel Vecler, a five foot seven, tom-boy, with mid-length auburn hair and brown eyes.

     Oh, Jeeze! I forgot to hit send, thought Amanda as she punched the key. “Sorry! I’m just so excited to be a part of all this! The interview with Catherine Sunsteen was awesome.”

     “Come, on. Don’t you think it’s kinda creepy? All those women and men being sterile? If you ask me, that’s a story worth digging into.”

     “What are you talking about? Minister Sunsteen said that they were looking into it. Besides, it is good that the world will be less populated…don’t you think? You science-types always read too much into stuff.”

     “Science-type? Since when don’t investigative journalists read too much into stuff? I really don’t understand how you can’t be more curious. Why should we be deciding how many people is too many? If you ask me, I keep wondering how the world is going to keep functioning with less people. Granted, we don’t need as many people in charge as we used to, but we still need people to work.”

     “Well, with the implementation of the updated version of the old United Nation’s Agenda 21, I think people will be able to produce all they need in a smaller area, so no, I don’t think we’ll need too many more people. Heck, as an anthropologist I’d think you’d be all for population control, after all isn’t that how nature has always taken care of itself—by reducing the number of people living in over populated areas?”

     “Okay, you got me there, but was this nature taking care of itself or a human mistake or plan to cause sterility in the population? And you know, when populations dwindled in the past they were built up again. What happens if we don’t have enough of a population to sustain society?” Pointing to the poster proclaiming the wonders of the new global government initiative, Rachel continued, “With the United Global States of the Earth set up as the world government, it should be easy enough for the sustainable development provisions to be implemented, but there are still pockets of resistance, and if not enough people are born, we will have a hard time having enough workers in 100 years. Sustainable development won’t be sustainable without workers.” Folding her arms across her chest and shaking her head, she continued, “There are too many unanswered questions and I’m afraid very soon there’ll be another war.”

     “Another war?! The global meltdown of 2015 is something that will never be allowed to happen again. First, guns have been made illegal except for the military, and hate speech is illegal. Second, people seem to have accepted the new government and constitution and have settled down. Of course, all the religious zealots are being taken care of everywhere—”

     “Except America and the Middle East.”

     “Well, soon enough I think they’ll fall in line. My father says things are coming together much better than anyone expected. Some kind of thing going on in the desert of California, and the New Life Foundation. I guess they merged with Techne-Corp and are planning to help affect the changes coming with total sustainable development. Believe me, the people at the top know what they’re doing.”

     “And who’s going to be watching the people at the top?”

     “Ummm…I’m not sure. How about we quit talking and think about going out on the town. I heard there is this new band playing at The Music Bar tonight…something like Windy or The Wind or something that has wind in it! You up for it?!” questioned Amanda, in her usual ADD way.

     “Yeah, why not, I’ve got nothin’ better to do!”

     “Great! I’ll see you at ten!” Skipping away, Amanda added, “Later!”

     Sighing and rolling her eyes, Rachel called, “Yeah, Later!”

Monday, March 15, 2021

What Comes Next???

 Sorry for missing last week's blog (but hey, who really noticed). I was out trimming back bushes and plants while it was warm out and was just too tired to write when I came in for the evening. But today I am back, trying to keep my promise to write once a week...I guess you could say that I fell off the wagon last week. 😁

Today I had a nice visit with an author friend, Jay Foreman--writer of comedy and children's books. He is one of my biggest fans and is always an encouragement to my writing journey. We are hoping to have a "book-con" once the Covid nonsense is over, so planning is a labor or love for us. We're hoping to have people dress in costumes of favourite characters, writer panels, discussions with authors, and of course book sales. It's something we've been talking about for a couple of years and hopefully will see come to fruition soon!

So many ideas have been churning in my head for writing ideas. Of course there's the next book series, but also some short stories and maybe even a children's series--something Jay could help me with. My problem really lies with getting to work. Most authors will say they have writers block, and I have experienced that, but what I'm feeling is more like writers enthusiasm. The stories are there waiting to be written, and if I sat down to do it they would come flowing out, but I just can't find the motivation to start the process. Maybe it's because it's spring and I'm getting ready for planting the gardens, maybe it's the cancel culture which has stripped out a lot of the joy of sharing stories with others, maybe it's pure laziness, I just am not sure.

I'd like to teach again...a writing course or how to publish, even a grammar course for children would be fun. I think the art of free thinking and learning to question would be a great class as well. Having a group art class or nature/gardening class would be doable too. But how does one go about it? I just have really no idea. Hmmm, maybe it's just the time of my life when a wander lust of the brain is beginning. 

My biggest problem is that I really don't like being around large groups of people anymore. The tightrope of walking the line of "I don't give a crap" and "I don't want to offend" is exhausting and honestly not enjoyable. I miss the days when folks could sit and have discussions and debates without worrying about hurting someone's feelings. When you could say something offensive by accident and be corrected instead of being attacked. The world has changed so much in the past year, that it's basically unrecognizable, and honestly I don't like it. 

"Wokeism" is destroying communication, life experience, and basic happiness. How can one be a writer when free speech is non existent and life experience consists of hiding away in your home or behind a mask. Not being able to meet freely to exercise your rights, but having to "Zoom" everything. No personal contact. I weep watching children being fed a load of fear and hiding behind masks under the guise of "loving others." It's nothing more than the enslaving of a whole generation and it makes me mad, and so many people have just accepted it that there's not left to do.

Every day I watch my country slipping farther away into nothing. I see freedom so hard fought for being binned without so much as regret. I see hopelessness everywhere, and people not even realizing it. My heart is breaking over and over as I imagine the life my grand daughter will have (or not have as it is). Perhaps the disillusionment will spur me to write. To once again get my frustrations out through pen and paper (or keyboard and word processor). I think putting my thoughts into this public blog has helped spur me to write again. For me, writing is cathartic and I think it's time for a bit of word therapy.

Thanks for taking the time to read my scribblings, it's amazing how putting thoughts to paper opens doors. Have a great week. Who knows, maybe next week's blog will be an update on my WIP (Works In Progress). 

God bless you all, and check out Resistance before it gets cancelled.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Today is a gorgeous late winter day. The sun is shining warmly through the bare tree branches and illuminating the cedar trees creating a yellow glow around the dark green needles. The lawn is dappled in spring green waiting to flourish and a carpet of Emerald green moss covers a huge swath of the garden flaked by a worn out privacy fence and a hedge of bare rose of Sharon bushes. A dry river bed meanders through the grass and moss ending in the wooded evergreen cedar copse gracing the boundary of my back yard.

The birds have been flitting from feeder to trees and bushes, singing and showing their colours, waiting for the mating season to arrive. Titmice, cardinals, finches, chickadees, wrens, woodpeckers, jays, robins, nuthatches, and doves have been entertaining me as I enjoy the sun after a half day of trimming back a butterfly bush, spireas, echinacea, and nandina. Picking the right places to cut for summer blooming is enjoyable, but cleaning up sticks and removing them to piles for the birds and critters was exhausting. Watching the squirrels skitter about brings a smile to my face though and I am looking forward to future cutting back to enjoy the glorious creation of my God.

I have had a wonderful day so far. From my morning clean to an afternoon of visiting with a friend and enjoying tea and scones I am blissfully content. Soon my husband will be home for dinner and yet another friend is scheduled to stop by this evening for movie night and popcorn. So many things to be grateful for this day.

Tomorrow will bring soreness (getting old stinks) and probably more news of a world gone mad, BUT I guess life comes down to how we live it. In joy or sorrow...in fear or strength...with good friends or lonely users we create the life we have. So today, I wish everyone some peace. There is always something good to be found, so take a moment and let your reality be happy.

God bless y'all...and if you want to help out an unknown author to make her day just that tiny bit brighter check out my books at www.kimsauthorspot.com

Tuesday, February 23, 2021



Black Lives Matter. White Lives Matter. Brown Lives Matter. Tan Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.

Straight Lives Matter. Gay Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.

Christian Lives Matter. Muslim Lives Matter. Jewish Lives Matter. Hindu Lives Matter. New Age Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.

Poor Lives Matter. Rich Lives Matter. Middle Class Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.

Old Lives Matter. Young Lives Matter. Unborn Lives Matter. Mid-life Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.

North American Lives Matter. South American Lives Matter. Central American Lives Matter. Asian Lives Matter. African Lives Matter. Australian Lives Matter. European Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.

Healthy Lives Matter. Disabled Lives Matter. Sick Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER.


Fight the good fight.

Monday, February 15, 2021

What Do Authors Do Besides Writing?

 Do you ever wonder what authors do besides writing? I always pictured an author sitting at a computer (typewriter) everyday, just writing away. Sometimes stuck with writers block chewing on a pen or pencil trying to get momentum. In actuality authors (with small exceptions) have other jobs and write when they get a chance. Kind of like people who do arts and crafts, or musicians who jam when they have a moment, gardeners who love summer weekends in the garden, gamers who get entertainment from games, or sports fans who watch every game and know all the stats. We write because we like it...and if luck hits some of us we become famous and make money. 😃

I am currently a full time home maker, but have been a town council member, teacher, day care provider, and mum and although I wish I could write all the time, I just don't have the time. Today I vacuumed, did dishes, roasted a squash, made scones, and tidied here an there. In a month or so I'll start getting the garden ready for planting, on top of doing the domestics and cooking. I'm also a grandma, so every other week I get to spend time with my grand daughter doing crafts, making up stories, and basically playing whatever comes to her mind. When do I write??? *sigh* When time allows.

As I wrote last week, I've been reading different genres and now the characters in my mind are beginning to come to life. So as I clean or cook or do whatever I am writing in my head. The pictures of what my characters are doing or could be doing play over and over. When I'm doing something a new idea will pop into my head and a new chapter begins. By the time I get to sit in front of the computer to write, it's gonna be epic!!! Now to find the time. hahaha.

I love the process of writing...imagination, giving way to characters, giving way to scenes that are totally different than I had planned orginally. While a painter has a brush and canvas or porcelain and a musician has an instrument and staffs, and a collector has places to fill, a writer has their mind and their computer/typewriter/paper and pen. We all create in our own ways. Writers paint pictures with words--how cool is that? 😎 I love writing and sharing my vision and ideas with others. Perhaps as I begin the new work I'll share the process and maybe sneak peaks.

Well now I have to go and get dinner going...we eat early because hubby commutes early in the morning and goes to bed early. I hope everyone who likes to create gets out and does it whenever possible. It's what keeps us going! As always remember to Resist! evil and strive toward good!

meet the resistance

Monday, February 8, 2021

Of Reading and Writing


Hello Kim Bishop fans out there! Today I thought I'd share a new insight I had this week while trying to figure out how to stop procrastinating and get my book out of my head and into the word processor. While Covid has certainly messed up reality, (in any world really) it is not my whole issue. Not being able to engage people due to mask wearing is a part of my struggle to get the old imagination running, but also my reading habits are at fault.

Now we all know that to be a great writer one does need to be a great reader as well, BUT maybe what we read impacts our writing. I've been reading the "Wheel of Time" series for the past few years, on and off because 15 books with between 800 and 950 pages each is a LOT to read. I used to mix it up and read a bit of Clive Cussler or Ted Dekker or Tosca Lee in between books, but then I got a bee in my bonnet to finish the series. So, for the past, probably two years, I have been reading the series in my free time (which I have to say is NOT as much as I'd like). And as wonderful as the story is I think it got me stuck in one genre. 

My books encompass adventure, spiritual warfare, as well as a bit of fantasy and sci-fi, so getting in a rut of one genre has stifled my writing. I know, it sounds strange. I still watch super hero shows and action movies and other types of television nonsense, but I think the inspiration for writing (at least for me) comes more from reading...keeping fresh on dialogue and action sequences is, for my books, a bit more important than the extensive world building and backdrop of the "Wheel of Time". So, after finishing book nine, I have jumped back into the worlds of Clive Cussler. ...Such a faster read!!! BAM!!! my writing senses are beginning to tingle again. So, hopefully, by next week I will be churning out some rough drafts.

The mind is a funny thing...which is why I choose to share my kooky experiences with fellow writers and readers. You just never know who else out there is having the same issues. Hopefully, someday we'll be able to get back to in-person writing conferences and book signings and just get togethers where we can have face to face discussions again (without masks.)

Well, here ends my blog for this week. Remember to keep on resisting the evils of the world and fighting for what you believe in. The only thing we really have is who we are...never let a disease or anyone else take that away! Join the Resistance

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


You know why I don't like Zoom council meetings? One of the reasons I liked being involved in council (as a council person and citizen) is the in person interaction. I am not an extrovert, but I do like having something purposeful to do (much like going ot church, although that is a different purpose.) This post-Covid world is going to suck. People can't go places to just gather. Getting used to online meetings will only lead to not having as many in person meetings which destroys community unity. Now, I know that i"m usually the only person sitting in the audience at council meetings, but when there is an issue and people come together it's a time to see old "friends" and renew something lost. I fear with the dawn of artificial meetings, and artificial protests, and artificial everything controlled by a small group of people will destroy the human spirit. 

We've already destroyed a generation of young people by teaching them to hate people different from them (multi-culturalism) and not encouraging free thought (no child left behind to common core), and sticking them in front of computer screens instead of books and hands on learning...now add the next generation to virtual everything and you've got mindless robots. It's all a plan, started with Agenda 21 (now called The Reset)...Is this what we want? For fear of a virus that is like any other humanity has dealt with? Are we really going to hide away? I sure know I don't like going out anymore, seeing masked people everywhere. Most who just do it because they're told to. Not being able to even shake hands and old people crying when you give them a hug because it's been so long makes me feel sick. I don't understand what has happened to people, other than the fact that they've just given up.

I feel like I've given up, except for speaking out. I want to write...I have stories in my head, but then I wonder, "Will I be able to be published because I'm conservative?"; "Can I write something that will offend someone?"; "Will I ever be able to have a book signing or group event where we can see each other?" I just don't understand why so many people have just rolled over and accept government officials who change their concerns as a means of power. I don't understand why people accept masking when it's proven to not work (even by the WHO) if you're not sick. I don't understand how people who are intelligent just throw out their knowledge because some government goon says to.

I'm sorry for the ramble, but it really is overwhelming. I'm glad that I have my faith in the triune God. He keeps me sane. So glad I have a pastor that continues to give communion weekly. So glad I have a few friends who have not bought into the nonsense of Covid-response and still meet and hug and spend in person time together. I'm ready to go into slavery/prison if it comes to that for my faith, but I still have to ask why are people so quick to give up their freedom?

Monday, January 25, 2021

Is Anybody Listening???

 Well, I'm keeping on track with blogging at least once a week (minus the inauguration week, but slight depression is a pretty good excuse I think...) Today I thought I'd talk about writer's interruptions. I don't have writer's block, I have something else. The story is in my head pretty much finished, just needs writing, but it's the background planning that's got me procrastinating. I know my writer friends get this. Writing the story and BAM! we realize that we need to get more information on the scene we are involved, either with characters or settings, and everything comes to a halt.

For some reason, I decided that some of the drama of the new series will take place in Turkey. I know the reason, but it's fun to put on the blond hat once and a while and act dumb, especially when I realized I don't know as much as I need to about the architecture in Turkey (except the Hagia Sophia of course). So, in the midst of writing I now find myself taking a break to research castles and fortresses in Turkey.


I actually enjoy researching, but I'm aching to get back to the plot. However, another thing my fellow writers will understand is that even though we write fiction, if we get too much wrong with a setting someone will make a big deal about it. And while it shouldn't matter, it does to me, so I do try and get the basic's right. I found a couple of castle fortress on the Bosphorus Straits. Anadoluhisari and Rumelihisari are really cool and lend themselves to the medieval fortress I was looking for my global government to headquarter. I'm trying to think outside of the box. :)

Anyway, I need to get back to the research, but I am trying to keep up with the weekly blog. Don't know why since I don't have many followers, BUT for posterity it will be fun to look back and see my musings from the Covid/Biden era. ;) 

Keep on resisting the darkness and look to the light! God's plan is all working out as it is meant to. Which is the reason I can keep on keepin' on!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Fear of the Truth

 Sorry about missing a week. I needed time to get my head together and process the shutting down of free speech in the USA. I'm still not done figuring things out. How can the "land of the free and home of the brave" have fallen so far in such a short time? I mean, it's not like I haven't seen it coming...I wrote a novel series about it for crying out loud. Resistance Series

I guess even when we know something bad is coming we just don't like accepting the fact. *sigh* All the protests in 2020 were peaceful until instigators came in at the end and turned the into riots--burning and looting and killing police in cold blood and bashing people's heads in and beating them senseless. It was the same at the capitol January 2021. The protest was peaceful until instigators came in and turned it into riots--no burning or looting though and it was over in about 2 hours unlike the 2020 riots which went on for almost a year. BUT the media and government elites were horrified at the two hour riot while ignoring and even praising the year long riots. Government (through big tech) shut down the free speech of the president and citizens that they did not agree with. Not violent language just something that didn't fit their narrative. I mean EVEN European leaders were shocked and disgusted at the shut down of free speech. (and they have no love of Trump).

So now, I sit here preparing signs to go in my yard to protest the big finish of the coup d etat tomorrow, otherwise known as inauguration day wondering if my property will be attacked. Wondering if someone in my area will threaten me or my fellow citizens protesting. How sad that in the "land of the free and home of the brave" a citizen need fear retribution from their neighbors over the professing of a truth they may disagree with. We have become a nation of idiots. People who think their feelings are more important that someone elses. Feelings are just that...yours. Feel happy or sad, afraid or fearless, strong or weak...that is your choice, but words do not hurt unless someone lets them hurt. Will those of us who dare to speak our truth (the truth) be arrested in the future? Will the new congress actually destroy the 1st amendment? How many rights would not exist if not for the right to protest and speak? Someday they will come for you and no one will be left to defend you. Perhaps it's time to get over yourself, pull up your big boy/girl pants and ignore what bothers you, or better yet have an actual dialogue with those you disagree with. Shutting down speech does not change hearts, it just makes the speech go underground. 

I know this isn't a particularly inspirational blog. Just musings and sadness at the loss of my country. A country that I loved. A country that I served. And now probably a country that will make me a criminal for daring to stand for the truth. *sigh* I simply hold to the promise "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." James 4:7 

Jesus is the way and the truth and the life!!! Never let them shut you down. Stand on the truth!!!